t w e n t y - e i g h t

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Seven's POV


We headed back to our caravan to inform others of our find. Rick had at some point handed the raccoon back to Daryl in his excitement for whatever his plan may be, as he lead the way back to our people. Kinda surprised he knows where he's goin'. Not like he's some expert huntsman.

Well.. I was surprised until he started heading a little too far right of where our caravan was. "'Ey. It's this way numb nut," Daryl says grabbing his attention and using his finger to point in the actual direction of the caravan.

I snort, and look to Daryl seeing the faintest hint of a cocky smirk, "Oh.." Was our fateful leader's reply before he started marching off in the direction of where the caravan really is.

See, normally, I'd be taking point in our journey through the woods but considering that the hunt for food is now over, I don't need to. Well, and Rick is too excited over this prison to follow typical woods protocol. Not that it really matters being that Rick can more than handle himself if a single measly walker comes roaming through. Plus, Daryl can raise his crossbow and fire a bolt within three seconds.

That prison could be really useful if we're able to take it successfully. It'd be safe. We'd be able to stay there for a long time without having to worry too much about walkers as long as we maintained and buildup on the outer fences. No more driving around from place to place and barely surviving off scraps. It's surrounded by woods too! Daryl and I will have much easier access to hunting grounds.. or an escape place from the group if we ever need the space.

It wasn't long before we got back, my mind having taken up most of the walk back made it pretty quick. The group gathered around while we made our way back up to the road from the small little ditch there is on each side of the road. "I found something promising" Rick starts.

By looking at their faces you can see a glimpse of hope shine through their eyes, "But we'll have to fight for it." The statement alone instantly put a damper on that hope but Rick continues, "There's a prison not far from here. There's walker in it, but this is our biggest chance at being safe and secure." He pauses for a second to lick his dried lips and gauge at everyone's reaction. Despite his ricktatorship. Yes, I will forever be calling it that. He still cares and wants to understand what others think of his decisions. A good leader I'd say.

Rick was crouched down taking a pair of bolt cutters to the fence that led into the prison. The rest of us stood behind him, watching his back while we wait for him.

Glenn scampers over to a walker that had gotten too close and stabs it through the stomach with a spear, pinning it to the fence while Maggie puts a hatchet through the walker's head. Aww, they even kill walkers together.

Nothing against the new couple, I just find it funny to tease them.. mentally that is. "Watch the backside," Rick calls out, having finished cutting a hole through the fence big enough for us to fit through.

Lori acknowledges his callout, "Got it." I glance back to her since I'm the farthest out from the group. At least they're able to communicate what's important. The group has Lori surrounded from all sides. It has been a point to protect her the most since she's got a baby in the oven. That phrase don't sound right.

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