t h i r t y - s e v e n

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Seven's POV

Not long after an elapsed awkward silence, Rick and T-Dog came back out with varying melee weapons. Spears, crowbars, axes — you name it. They weren't given any real firepower for obvious reasons. It'd make them more of a threat than they already are.

They lay out the weapons on a table that separates our two groups, just enough for each of them to have one. The first to grab one was the hispanic man, then followed by Shorty (the two most notably hostile), and the rest follow simultaneously after him. It like a hierarchy within their prisoner group. The armed man is the alpha, Shorty is the beta, Mustache man is the omega, and the rest are just part of the pack.

"Why do I need this," The leader says, talking about his crowbar, "When I got this?" He finishes, pulling out his revolver and aiming it towards the ceiling rather than one of our heads.

Daryl speaks up, "You don't fire guns, not unless your back's up against a wall. Noise attracts 'em. It really riles them up." His voice is a lot gruffer than I remember, or maybe it's always been like this. Weird. Then again, he's a calmer person generally. There's a lot less bite to his words.

Rick then says, "We'll go in two by two. Daryl will run point with T. I'll bring up the read with you" He points to Shorty with his machete, though there isn't any malice in it. He then looks down to me, "Seven, stay somewhere in the middle. I don't want you getting caught up if there's a swarm of them. You take down any you see, one by one." I bark, showing that I understood the order. Yeah, I could've nodded. But I'm a lot more free to use my vocal cords now.

The prisoners look down to me, confused as to why a dog would receive such a complex order. Cause I'm smart as hell. I smirk at their confused faces before Rick continues his talk, "Stay tight, hold formation no matter how close the walkers get. Anyone breaks rank, we could all go down. Anyone runs off, they could get mistaken for a walker, end up with an axe to the head." If I were to run off for whatever god damn reason, and end up with an axe through my head. It'd probably just be murder. I can't see how one of y'all could mistake an over-sized black dog as a walker, not even with two eyes missing could ya'.

"And that's where you aim. These things only go down with a headshot," Daryl says. Gotta be tha' head. I echo what he'd said through my thoughts.

The leader then says, "You don't gotta tell us how to take down a man." He looks from Shorty back to us while saying so. Pretty sure you just outed yourself as a murderer. Wouldn't be all that surprised considering where we are.

"They ain't men. They're something else," T-Dog says. I look him up and down, just analyzing his riot gear he has strapped to his body. I can't tell if I like that riot gear idea or not. Either way, we've been fine without it so far. Whatever eases your mind, T.

"Just remember to go for the brain," Rick says lowly. With that being the final piece of the conversation, he walks over to unlock the gate, Daryl apparently having given Rick his own set since Carl has the other.

Just like that we're back in the tombs. Everyone was in their correct position, and I walk beside Mustache Man, feeling a lot more comfortable next to him then say their leader or Shorty. I also know that if it comes down to it, I can take down Mustache Man the fastest.

With Daryl leading point, being cautious as ever, he checks a corner before clearing the rest of us to turn it with him. It almost makes me uncomfortable to not be in the front, considering I'm so used to it. But I do understand Rick's reasoning behind it.

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