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Seven's POV

Maybe I should've payed attention.. We were going down a ladder following Glenn into an alleyway. I was on Daryl's shoulders as he climbed down, being careful not to drop me. This is a bit humiliating. We reach the ground shortly after Glenn, Daryl carefully setting me down. I give him a 'Really' look as he just smirks at me, amused by my reaction. I let out a grunt of annoyance his smirk seemingly becoming bigger. Asshole.

Glenn seeming to have noticed our interaction gave out a small smile. We quickly are back to being serious as we move quickly and quietly towards a dumpster and then to another. Daryl hunches over cocking back the string to his crossbow, "You got some balls for a Chinaman."

With mild frustration Glenn says, "I'm Korean"

I stand by Daryl as he stands up again placing a bolt in his crossbow, "Whatever."

Glenn leaves quickly to go get the bag of guns while we wait for him. Daryl looks over to me his eyes softening, "He'll be alright Seven" he begins to pet my head as I solemnly stare back at him, "Remember. The only thing that can kill Merle is Merle." It sounded more like he was trying to convince himself but, he sure as hell convinced me whether he knows it or not.

We were behind a dumpster when we hear footsteps. They sounded like they were trying to be quiet but were failing. Maybe the person would've been quiet enough for others not to notice but from the times Daryl and I have gone hunting and my improved hearing, we didn't even have to strain our ears.

I jump out before Daryl does and I crouch down with my haunches raised. I bare my teeth at him while I let out a low growl. "Woah, easy puppy." Puppy? Really? Do I look like a lil' dog that can barely walk? Well you got another thing comin' to you. Daryl stands up from behind the dumpster and steps out, aiming his crossbow and the young adult. "Don't shoot me! What do you want?"

I take an intimidating step closer his eyes flicking towards me briefly before Daryl speaks, "I'm lookin' for my brother. He's hurt real bad. You seen him?" The boy then begins to yell some word I don't understand. Shut up! "Shut up!" Clearly we have the upper hand so why are you gonna risk gettin' shot through the eyes by a bolt? Or your throat get ripped out by me? "You're gonna bring the geeks down on us. Answer me." he repeats "Answer me." The young kid simply just yells the same word again. Is this kid stupid or somethin'?

He keeps yelling the word. Definitely missin' a screw or two. Daryl pistol-whips him with his crossbow. I stand over him snarling, trying to get him to shut up before walkers come. Daryl's crouches down on the other side of him trying to cover his mouth as he repeats "Shut up."

I hear footsteps come running from behind us, the direction of the alley we hadn't been facing. The same direction Glenn had come gone. I go to turn but it's too late. I watch as the first guy comes and kicks Daryl to the side before the second guy comes and does the same to me. I let out a yelp of pain and surprise. The first guy, begins to kick Daryl letting out grunts each time shoe comes in contact with Daryl. While this is happening the second guy begins to bring his metal baseball bat down on me. I let out yelps and whimpers, small growls also escape but my cries of pain are heard much more. "Leave 'em alone!" Daryl yells through beating, "Leave Seven alone!"

They don't stop until they spot Glenn with the bag of guns slung around his shoulder, "That's it! That's the bag, vato!" They run away from us, and toward him. I hear his groans of pain before seeing that Daryl was sitting up and aiming his crossbow and shooting it. He gives me a worried look before loading his crossbow. I hear Glenn shouting out Daryl's name for help. Daryl stands and runs after them yelling and cursing. I watch as Rick and T-dog pass me, not even noticing me. I lay on my side in pain. I know I'll survive this. I might not be a Dixon by blood, but hell, I'm still a Dixon. And being a Dixon means that nothin' can kill ya but yourself.

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