t w e n t y - o n e

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Seven's POV

Daryl slows down, his eyes trained on the floor. "Had a little trouble." He points the flashlight to a piece of cloth on the ground. I walk up to it and sniff it. Randall. It was Randall's blindfold. But why would Randall keep his blindfold after he 'escaped'?

Glenn picks it up and him and Daryl examine it. I can track it. I make a sort of grunt noise to try and communicate that I'm able to track it. But before I'm able to get on with the lead that we have we hear the snap of twigs in the darkness and I can smell the distinct scent of the dead. Glenn makes a scared or shocked gasp and the two take off to two nearby trees. Randall? Or a walker?

Daryl harshly whispers to me, "Between." I walk between his legs and wait for any further command. This takes up less space and allows for the two of us to fit behind one tree. Daryl and Glenn peak from behind the tree, me following their lead. Daryl lets out a low, quiet whistle to get Glenn's attention and tosses him a hatchet.

The walker must be able to smell us too.We hear the crunches of leaves come closer to us, my heart beginning to beat at a fast rate though I know to keep calm. I'm ready to spring into action with my flexed muscles set into a position easiest to move.

The walker finally within a few feet of us, finally comes into view. It turns, facing Glenn and lets out a loud growl of sorts. Glenn hesitates giving the walker an advantage so Daryl steps in. He fires a bolt but misses, "Seven! Attack!" Before he can even finish the sentence I've sprung into a leap. My jaws slack, aiming for the putrified head of the lone walker that is attacking us. I successfully clamp down on the head, the weight I bare knocking it down. It's still moving indicating that I haven't bit down hard enough. It's arms flail about and grab onto me, trying to tear into my lean muscles and flesh but before it can do any harm I bite down even harder, partially crushing it's skull. It's arms drop from my side and I step off of it. Noticing it was indeed, Randall.

Turning around I see Glenn and Daryl both looking at me incredulously. My tongue flops out of my mouth and a happy grin becomes plastered to my face. I return to Daryl's side. "Nice," he pats my side.

Daryl leans over, already having noticed that it was Randall. He crouched down beside the body and begins to inspect it for bites or scratches but the only thing he can come up with is, "Got his neck broke." He rechecks Randall's body for any bites or scratches but still, "He's got no bites."

Glenn crouches down beside Daryl and I stand on the opposite side, close to Randall's legs. "Yeah, none you can see." He remarks.

Daryl hold a flashlight and moves back to inspect the neck once again, "No, I'm telling you, he died from this." He says pointing towards our ex-prisoner.

"How is that possible?" Glenn questions, looking between the corpse in front of us and Daryl. "You sure Seven didn't break it?"

"Nah, Seven didn't shake his head back and forth like he normally does. Seven didn't break it." Daryl says shutting down the possibility of me breaking it. Well, let's head back then. We found Randall.

Daryl opens the door and I push past him and walk in first, seeing everyone gathered in the room minus Carl who I assume is upstairs, and Rick and Shane. Oh shit.

"Rick and Shane ain't back?" Daryl asks, carrying his crossbow in one hand with Glenn behind him carrying the hatchet.

"No." Lori is the only one to reply.

Seven ➳ d.dixon's dogWhere stories live. Discover now