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Thanks for 100 reads! I'm honestly surprised it has so many reads for the short amount of time it's been out.
Seven's POV

We've been running for at least an hour. The heat from the sunset has been beating down on us, but it is soon to turn cold with the night. My breathing is ragged, but I continue to lead the way. My side was in so much pain but we had to get back before night or we'd be in trouble. Daryl was continuously throwing concerned glances at me. "Seven, ya good?" he asks through panted breaths,his eyes trained on me.

Everyone looks at me now, worry painted on their faces. I let out a bark to say I'm fine, but the bark need a lot more effort than necessary given that my side was in so much pain and I was far out of breath. On a normal day, I'd outrun them and would hardly be panting but under the conditions I'm under right now I'm struggling more than they are. Daryl gives me a hesitant nod, but he still looks worried.

We are coming close to the camp, all is quiet, the only thing heard is the pounding of our feet and the panting of us all. Suddenly we hear screams and shot of a shotgun come from the direction of our camp. A string of 'Oh my gods' and 'Go!' is heard throughout our small group. We quickly pick up the pace panic setting in.

I start sprinting, leaving behind the group to meet up with the screams of the rest of our group. "Seven!" Daryl yells from behind but I don't listen. My ribs are screaming angrily for me to stop and rest but I don't listen, I'd rather be in pain then have more people die. The first walker I see I jump at, my fangs sinking into it's head before I move onto the next. Behind me I hear gunshots ring out indicating that the rest are here.

Soon after, all the walkers are dead. The adrenaline begins to die down only for a heavy aura of grief and relief to hang over the group, from the losses and survivors.

"Seven!" Daryl yells over to me, relief flooding both of us. I lazily wag my tail back but my breathing is still ragged while his is calmed down some. "Hey, hey. You're okay, bud." He's crouched down in front of me with he hands on the side of my head, "Come on. Breathe." I try to but the pain emitting from my side is almost unbearable. My head lulls to one side, black dots coating my vision. "Seven!" Daryl's yells before the world fades to black.

I woke up in Daryl's tent, my side was still in a lot of pain, but what woke me up was hearing Jacqui yell, "A walker got him. A walker bit Jim!" I hear some chatter happen but don't pay attention. So Jim's dead I guess. Well. Infected but that's basically dead to me.

I sit and wait, listening to them debate on where to go and and what to do with Jim. Shortly after Daryl comes into the tent and sees i'm awake, "Hey, you're awake. Ya scared tha' hell outta me there Seven. I thought I might've lost ya 'cause some douchebag beat ya." I wag my tail, it thumping against the tent floor. He lays with me while he pets me, telling me about what's happened, and what he thinks should be done. "I gave ya some medicine I borrowed from Dale by the way."

I think Daryl likes ta' talk to me, I don't know exactly why, maybe 'cause I'm quiet and listen, and well.. what's a dog gonna do if ya talk to it. But sometimes he starts ramblin' and it reminds me of a lil' kid.

"Alrigh' bud, I'm gonna go help out for a bit. Don't do nothin' stupid." He comes to a stand with his with his shoulder

Seven ➳ d.dixon's dogWhere stories live. Discover now