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Seven's POV

We moved back towards the center of camp where I lay beside Daryl with my head in my paws while he prepares for our trip to get Merle. Rick was walking away from Shane and it looks like they're arguing but i'd been tuning them out until now, "Could you just tell me why? Why would you risk your life for a douche bag like Merle Dixon?"

I lift my head from my paws. Tha' hell you just call him? "Hey, choose your words more carefully" Daryl warns while point at him with bolts in hand.

Shane looks over and says with his attitude "No, I did. Douche bag's what I meant." I'm sick of this guy. His shoulder is wrapped after i'd bit him. Which he totally deserves may I add. He continues spitting to Rick "Merle Dixon — the guy wouldn't give you a glass of water if you were dying of thirst" I let out a low growl at this getting tired of him. His eyes flick over to me trying to intimidate me.

What's he gonna do? Last I checked, I'd won the last round. I mean look at his shoulder. I stand up and begin to growl more, "Heal Seven" Daryl mutters to me, looking at me almost daring me to continue.

I quickly lie back down and continue listening in on the conversation. Rick finally saying something, "What he would or wouldn't do doesn't interest me. I can't let a man die of thirst — me. Thirst and exposure. We left him like an animal caught in a trap. That's no way for anything to die, let alone a human being" Alright Rick got some points from me after that. I'll give him credit for that.

"So you and Daryl, that's your big plan?" I turn my head to the other side of me and see that's Lori decided to say something on the matter. Rick turns to Glenn and gives him a look. Alright he's just gathering people.

Once I realize this I start tuning everybody out. T-dog and Daryl begin talking the only thing I tuned in to here was T-dog say, "You see anybody else here stepping up to save your brother's cracker ass?" I'm sick of all these people, it isn't just Shane apparently.

I stand up ready to leave and walk back to our tent, "Why you?" Daryl questions.

I wait for the conversation to end before starting towards our tent. I can feel Daryl's eyes move towards me, I assume he's wondering why I'm leaving being that I don't typically leave his side unless it's to use the bathroom of if somethings wrong.

I make my way through the cracked flap big enough for only me to get through before lying down at the foot of Daryl's sleeping bad where I normally sleep. I close my eyes and fall into a brief nap.

I hear rustling outside of the tent making me shoot up ready to take on a walker only for a hand to push through the flap and reveal Daryl, "Relax. It's just me." he says , "I came to get ya'" I make my way out of the tent before stretching, hearing my bones pop. Well that was a nice nap.

He pets my head briefly before we take off towards the box truck, ignoring everyone around us. The back was already open with Glenn in the driver seat. He jumps in with me following suit. We stand in the corner as Glenn backs it up slowly in the direction of the RV. I lean against Daryl for extra support as he slowly pets my head. At this point I think that's just a nervous tick.

The box truck comes to a stop as Daryl begins pacing back in forth within the truck. It's not like Merle has been there for the last couple hours tired to a god damn roof or anything. Hurry up people! We're losing daylight. I look at Rick talking to Dale and Jim in front of the RV. Jeez. Why must they prolong this so much? Daryl finally getting fed up with them goes to the front of the box truck and uses his foot to honk the horn before yelling, "Come on, let's go!"

Rick finally gets into the passenger seat with T-dog joining us in the back. Daryl slides the back down before we take off.

Throughout the ride Daryl and I are fuming. Us and T-dog sit across from each other with myself leaning against Daryl for support in the ride and he strokes my head. I'd never done too well with keeping stable within a car. "He'd better be okay. It's my only word on the matter." Damn straight.

T-dog replies with irritation to his tone, "I told you, the geeks can't get at him. The only thing that's gonna get through that door is us."

Shortly after the car rolls to a stop, "We walk from here" Glenn announces. Daryl picks up his crossbow before standing up and moving towards the 'back door' and sliding it open. Him jumping out first with T-dog and I following shortly after. We all begin running towards the fence, I remain at the same pace Daryl is running.

We reach the fence where fence where Glenn cuts open a whole big enough for them to fit through using the bolt cutters Dale has given them. Rick goes through first with Daryl going in right after holding it open for me. I quickly scurry through trying to be fast in what I do when at the city. "Merle first, or guns?" Rick asks

Did he really just fucking ask that? Of course Merle! Just when he was gaining some points from me too. "Merle! We ain't even having this conversation." Daryl's says snapping. No we aren't.

"We are." Rick says matter of factly. Are you serious? "You know the geography. It's your call." He says looking at Glenn.

Glenn you better say Merle.. "Merle's closest. The gun would mean doubling back. Merle first" Good Glenn. We begin running again with Daryl and I on the far right.

After sneaking through the city, we made it back to the supposed building Merle was tied to. We creep through the abandoned clothing store all of us being light on our feet. Rick holds up his hand making everyone stop. He looks at us as he points his two fingers at his eyes before turning and pointing at a lone walker standing on the other end of the store.

Daryl crouches down adjusting his crossbow in his hand in preparation of shooting the disease-bearing walking corpse. He creeps to the aisle the walker is in, "Damn. You are one ugly skank." he aims his crossbow at it before putting a bolt through it's head. I trot up to it sliding the bolt out of its head as it makes the same disgusting sound it always does. I bring it back to him, him already holding out his hand to receive the bolt. We find the stairs leading up to the roof and rush up them, I smell burnt flesh on the way up but that doesn't stop me from rushing to the roof.

We make it to the door leading to the roof Merle had been chained to. T-dog uses the bolt cutters to cut the chains hung around the door before Daryl kicks it open. I smell fresh human blood. Oh no.. "Merle! Merle" Daryl's yells rushing onto the roof. We all turn to see a hand and a saw lying next to each other with a bloodied handcuff still tied to the roof. Merle's hand. I begin crying as whines emit from my throat as I slowly approach Merle's hand. "No! No!" I look over to see Daryl crying, no, sobbing. This only making me cry harder.

Merle..i'm sorry.
This is rather short but that's because the first and second chapters are from one episode (Season 1 Episode 3) but I wrote the majority of the episode on the first chapter. So yeah.

Seven ➳ d.dixon's dogحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن