t w e n t y - t h r e e

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Daryl's POV

I get down the hill as fast as I can, managing not to flip or low-side the bike, I stop abruptly beside the big lump of fur, my chest nearly touching my handlebars with the sudden stop. I quickly hop off my bike and crouch over the animal.

It's eyes were closed and nothing in it's body moved to show it knew I was beside it. The only indication of life was the shallow breathing coming from it which is hard to tell on its own.

It was Seven.

"Hey, Seven. Hey, buddy, I'm here. You gotta wake up. C'mon." No movement. The emotion builds up within me, trying to escape through my eyes but I don't let them. The air seemingly being sucked out of my lungs creating a dull pain. I scramble over to my bike's saddlebag and pull out a water bottle. The tension builds when I crouch down by his head and undo the cap. Gently, I poor some water on his snout, by where his mouth is. Nothing. I grab the side of his head and lift it towards me, prying open his mouth, I begin to trickle water into his mouth hoping to bring him back to life. The tears welling in my eyes have started to slowly cascade down my face with unwanted emotions flowing through them.

And like the sunshine breaking through the stormy clouds, his eyes opened.

I stop pouring the water down his throat scared that he may choke. Though the minute he has the chance to get a good look at me, he leans over and sniffs my tears. His ears fold back and he gives a soft yip towards me as if asking 'What's wrong?' Though instead of me giving him the answer he probably expected. I smile. A real genuine smile before I wrap my arms around his neck, my tears and worries fading and being smeared into his dirty coat.

He's worried about me despite that I had to leave. Despite that he is half dead.

I lean back and wipe my face with my sleeve while Seven just simply stares at me in confusion and exhaustion. "C'mon let's go have Hershel check you out" And without any complaint (like there would usually be) I lift him up, gently, and sit down on the seat with him in my arms. I drop the water bottle into the saddlebag before making Seven basically lay in my lap between myself and the handlebars. I try to sit back more than I usually do to give him some space but he's still squished. Sorry.

I start up the bike and head off into the direction of where our group will be.

Seven's POV

Im exhausted, as well as many other things but what I am most; is happy. Happy that I got to see Daryl again. Happy that I will live through this now that he is here. Happy that he came back.

The bike violently cuts through the wind making my fur fly in different directions, the clumps still sticking together with the dried blood. Daryl glances down to me every couple of seconds and if the world hadn't ended, he'd have probably crashed into another moving car by now.

I'm severely dehydrated, I'm starving for a good meal, and I have several cuts of different sizes. So, to describe the condition i'm in would be, shitty.

I feel my eyes begin to droop again. The calming sound of Daryl's (or Merle's) motorcycle lulling me to sleep despite the uncomfortable position I'm in, but Daryl seems to notice. "Ey, stay awake. We're almost there" He lightly smacks the side of my face making me lazily open them again.

Seven ➳ d.dixon's dogWhere stories live. Discover now