Author's note

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Hey my lovely readers.

How are you all doing?

I hope everyone is fine and safe.

Coming back to this note, please don't skip it as this is an update for my updating schedule this week.

I just took my first dose of vaccination today and let's just say I am not feeling well.

Though tomorrow's update is 3/4th done I am not sure if I can write further.

The update I planned for tomorrow is a lengthy one, so if I can spend time on my laptop (as I am feeling week) today, I'll give an update tomorrow but if not, please bear with me, just this week.

I know you all wait for the update but even vaccination is necessary which I was waiting for the right time to take as my office provided it today.

I hope you all forgive your author if I'll not be able to update tomorrow.

Please if possible, try taking vaccine from office premises as the chances of getting infected will be quite less.

Please stay safe, stay home, stay healthy.

Your author
Shobhana Sinha

Bound by love till eternity (Completed)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ