Chapter 134-I can manage her

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Hey, my lovely readers.

How are you all?

Are you all enjoying the book so far?

I was just listening to random songs when I came across this song and it brought a smile on my face so I thought of sharing it with you. Please listen to it, I am sure you all would like it.

I also came across a beautiful story that you should definitely read 'Meet you past the galaxy' by anonymous__i

It's a beautiful book set up during India-Pakistan partition. A beautifully written book by an equally beautiful and talented writer.

Also, please do check 'Cherry blossom' book by anonymous__i. It's a one shot book and wouldn't take much of your time.

Let's begin with the chapter now.

Akash's POV

Days had been going by and it had been almost a month since we came here.

I was glad Siya was trying to come out of her shell, mostly because of Kriti.

She made sure not to ever let her drown in sorrow and also made sure that nothing related to her past was ever mentioned in front of her.

Probably that was one of the major reasons why Siya was trying to recover.

It's true that whenever someone tries to take a step forward and something from their horrible past is reminded, their steps get halted but Kriti was trying her best that Siya's steps towards getting and embracing a new life never halt.

That's what best friends are like, isn't it?

Even when they make mistake, they always stand by their friends, in all their highs and lows.

That's what Kriti had always done and when she was with Siya, she kept no stone unturned to bring her out of her shell.

I am glad because Kriti had been of great help.

Though she had her exams about two weeks back, she wanted to skip it and said that she would complete the trimester later siting that Siya was more important.

Me and Sid tried convincing her that we could take care of Siya but she was adamant.

It was only when Siya insisted that she shouldn't skip her exams, she went back to Canada, along with Sid.

Though they were apart, they used to talk to each other everyday, for hours on video call, god knows about what.

Siya had been lately talking to mom, a lot.

Probably she was comfortable around her or why would she almost everyday talk to her?

I was happy that she was surrounded by people who love and cherish her and not some good for nothing judgmental people who always one way or the other used to remind her of the horrible incident of her wedding night.

"You think you'll be able to handle her?" Sid asked.

We were on video call right now and Sid was still skeptical of leaving Siya and me alone in London.

He cared for Siya, a lot and I knew it very well.

Just because of Kriti's academics she couldn't accompany us and also Kriti wanted Siya to be comfortable around new people, on her own.

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