Chapter 98-Please don't go

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Hey my lovely readers.

How are you all?

Are you all enjoying the book so far?

I've decided something, although I am contradicting my point which I stated earlier but I think, I should do it now because my hard work isn't being appreciated I think, though I put my heart and soul in every chapter that I publish.

I've observed that the views on my chapter are almost 300+ but the votes don't even cross 110. Is it so difficult to press the star button, which doesn't even take a nanosecond?

I am setting up vote target now and believe me, I won't update till the target is reached.

My last five chapters should've at least 120+ votes, only then I'll update the next chapter.

I've been giving regular updates since I started writing this book i.e every Wednesday and Saturday and I update the chapter without fail. My regular readers very well know about it.

If silent readers can't appreciate my effort, I don't think it's worth giving my time.

I've been getting offers from many paid platforms lately for my book and believe me, I am very much tempted to take my book down from here altogether, leaving behind only sample chapters (which is most likely just 5-6). If my hard work isn't appreciated, I'll gladly take my book down.

I am also thinking of deleting the 'updating schedule' chapter from my book because from now on, there'll be no regular update until the target is reached.

Remember, from chapter 94 till now, I need at least 120+ votes, until then, no update.

I am sorry my regular readers. I hope you understand my pain as a writer as well. I need to take this drastic step or else, my hard work is getting wasted.

Before beginning the chapter I would like to dedicate it to my reader Sasanka54. A very happy birthday dear.

May god fulfil all your wishes.

Let's begin with the chapter now.

Akash's POV

Mohit and Samaira were eager to meet Sanchit. They wanted to give a piece of their mind to him.

The next few days went by with Sid raising a complaint against Sanchit to our HR and me submitting all the proofs against him.

Kriti had applied for leaves till the trial gets completed and Sid was more than happy to approve it.

Talking about Sid, he has been lately acting as a love sick puppy around Kriti. I don't blame him. The girls have actually wrapped us around our little finger.

On the day of trial, Sanchit was found guilty and Kriti was asked what should be done with him.

She didn't say anything, she was actually clueless.

Sid suggested the panel to blacklist him so that he can't apply for any other company. Moreover, the panel decided to give him termination letter instead of relieving letter and it would be clearly mentioned on the letter that he was proven guilty of sexual assault.

Even Kriti said that this punishment was too harsh for him but before me and Sid could make her understand, Siya beat me to it.

She made her understand the exact same thing that I said to her when we were in hotel that day when the incident took place.

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