Important-Don't skip

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Hey My lovely readers.

It's not an update, just a thank you note for all those who took the pain of reaching out to me for showing their support, be it on insta, wattpad or on comments section.

I am really grateful to all of you who supported me. Trust me, until now I didn't know that I've so many readers who actually feel connected to the story and enjoy reading something which is true to reality and not some fairy tale.

I knew that writers face negativity but the harsh comments were something that came out of the blue so I am writing this note again because henceforth I won't entertain any negativity and trust me, I'll report the account next time, whosoever it might be, I don't care.

I've always said that my characters are not ideal or their situation isn't ideal hence, they'll make mistakes. If not, you can refer chapter (Instructions/Copyright) point (E) and (I) where I had clearly mentioned about it.

I had already mentioned it there that my book will be on social issue and I appreciate each and every opinion as long as they're pointed out respectfully but unnecessarily backlashing of my story or character is simply unacceptable and I won't tolerate it.

If your opinion is different, so is mine. When I can respect your opinion, why can't you?

Real maturity is putting forth your opinions in front of others, not dumping it on them.

I would only say, respect everyone's opinion and if somebody doesn't don't start arguing.

I haven't said this to anyone but now that I had to face it here of all places where my solace lies, I face enough negativity at my workplace and my home. Please I beg you, request you, spare me, at least here.

I have never been disrespecting to anybody's opinion because I respect everyone's POV but if you don't agree with anything in this book, simply leave from here without showing negativity. Is it so hard to remove my book from your library/reading list? Trust me it only takes 2 clicks.

Moreover my book isn't a dumping ground where you can dump all your negativity like trash and expect me to do nothing. Just like a house owner protects it's home from negativity and trash, I'll protect my book from it because this book, is my baby, my solace, my home.

You all can't even imagine the hard work that I put in to bring out something so real. 

If you're here to backlash, just be in my shoes once and try writing updates according to their thinking.

You would never understand how I've to juggle between at least 3-4 characters to bring out an update because every character has their own POV and I need to write keeping them in my mind and when it comes to emotional updates, I've to juggle between at least 5-6 characters.

I would only say, next time, don't try to dump your POV on me and expect me to write according to it because guess what, I won't.

This is my book, my story, my characters and I'll write what I've planned. If you find it uncomfortable, I would request you to please leave. 

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