Chapter 118-Who deserves forgiveness?

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Hey my lovely readers.

How are you all?

Are you all enjoying the book so far?

For people who were waiting for Siya's POV, here it is.

Also please her this song, I am sure many people will relate to it. Probably it will motivate you that no matter what happens...don't give up.

Let's begin with the chapter now.

Author's POV

Siya opened her eyes to be met by unfamiliar surrounding.

Though the room was illuminated with dim lights, just as she liked it or we can say was comfortable with, she was a little startled at first but then everything started sinking in and she realized that Akash took her with him, away from her family.

That's what she always wanted from him, to take her away from her abusive mother because somewhere she knew, her mother would never approve of him because she was too stubborn to change her mind.

What can she expect from Akash? To be honest, she was very disappointed when he let go of her, though he put up a strong fight with her parents.

In her mind and heart, this was what she was dreading and she somewhere knew her parents wouldn't agree and she knew this would mean only one thing...Akash leaving her which was a nightmare to even think of but she lived this nightmare...she had to, she was forced to.

The reason for her getting into depression was somewhere the way people were calling her names and making fun of her.

She thought herself to be worthless, like her existence didn't matter to anyone.

She was abused by her own mother, left by her lover whom she loved with everything she had and finally was left at the altar to face humiliation, probably all her life.

What was her fault in all this?

She knew, she knew it very well that her only fault was she trusted two person with her life- Akash and Kriti but no one among the two were there when she needed someone to lean her shoulder on, when she wanted to be cared, to be pampered when the whole world around her was accusing her to be someone that she's not and never has been-a whore.

When she wanted someone to just say "everything will be alright, don't worry."

She just needed assurance, just this statement from two of the most important person in her life but alas, neither of them knew anything about what's going on around her.

Had they fought for her if they knew she needed to be cared?

This thought was something which always bugged her but did she want to ask Akash about it?

Probably no. Not because she didn't want to ask him but because both Akash and Kriti had left her disappointed.

After they both left, she used to wonder, did they want to get rid of her?

Of course you can't blame her innocent mind for thinking something like this about her lover and her best friend.

Though she trusted them with her life, she felt that they didn't fight enough for her.

For once she wanted to be selfish and just think about Akash and her that was when Akash had proposed to take her with him to the US but she dropped the idea because her best friend needed her.

She happily gave up her probably only chance to be with him, though she didn't know what future had in stored for her, she decided to be with Kriti and not Akash.

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