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Kuma's point of view:

It was the next day, early in the morning.

I stood at the front entrance of the JYP building and waited for the car Danbi was supposed to pick up.

Danbi gave herself a little more time before she came down, I was busy with my thoughts for so long.

It didn't take long and Danbi came down with a slight smile.

I smiled back at her and hugged her "Our ways part here, I guess" Danbi smiled sadly "Don't give up! Just sign up with another company, maybe you will be successful" I encouraged Danbi and smiled at her.

"I wanted to be there when you have your first relationship, debut, get married and so on" Danbi pouted.

"Don't worry, I'll do my best to reach you again after Debut" I smiled and held her shoulders tight. "And one more thing... I didn't really dare to tell you yesterday but..." I hesitated a little which made Danbi curious.

"But?" she repeated eagerly while I took another deep breath "I can see colors" I smiled which Danbi could only comment with an open mouth.

"What?" she asked incredulously "It looks like someone has fallen in love with me" I laughed slightly ashamed, whereupon Danbi vigorously shakes my shoulders.

"Why does this happen when I leave" she pleaded in frustration while she continued to shake me, after a while I held her hands tight "Now calm down" I laughed.

"Are you going to look for the one? I mean the person who is in love with you"

"Maybe, maybe not... I have no idea who it could be"

"Maybe one of the boys?"

"Stray kids!? No! They treat me like a sister... very unlikely"

"But it never hurts to check"

"What about you? And your crush?"

"Didn't work out... was probably just something like a Highschool crush"

"Maybe where else you are luckier"

"Maybe, maybe not"

Then we heard a horn and looked at the car a little further away.

It was Danbi's mother's car, Danbi looked at me with a smile "Then it's probably over here" I nodded in agreement and helped with packing the suitcase.

In front of the car Danbi turned to me "Have a nice life" she smiled whereupon I nodded "I wish you a nice life too" so Danbi got in and drove off.

I waved for a while until the car was out of my sight, I smiled, but tears ran down my face. The only one who really stayed by my side all this time is gone now.

I wiped my tears away and went back inside, in the shared apartment I saw Lira and Sumi packing their things.

"What are you doing?" I asked confused, both looked at me in surprise and then at each other. 

"We're moving out" Sumi said bluntly, whereupon I just shook my head.

"How are you moving out? Have you been kicked out?" I asked frustrated "No, we have our debut, we are moving to our group" Lira corrected me and was stuffing her plushies into her suitcase.

"Why didn't you tell me anything?" I asked confused and went straight into the room. "That wasn't a secret, I think you were too focused on yourself to notice that" said Sumi and closed her suitcase.

I just looked at her in amazement, exactly when I thought that I don't have to live alone, my only roommates leave me.

"We'll be away from here by noon today at the latest" Sumi smiled slightly and left the room with her suitcases, Lira afterwards.

Colors in our eyes // Stray Kids x OC (ENG)Where stories live. Discover now