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Kuma POV:

"If you're already here, you can have yourself measured, right?" the nurse asked me curiously. I sighed, I only woke up 20 minutes ago and she's not even letting me handle the situation.

She said I was brought here, probably from Minho and someone else had picked him up and brought my things. Now I stand here and I have to endure the nurse.

"As you like" I only agreed because I wanted to get out of here quickly. Happily, she put me on the scales and wrote down the results. Her smile fell when she looked at my data, it made me nervous.

"You will receive a letter to your room when everyone is finished, you can go now" she smiled again and gestured towards the door. I took my bag skeptically and left the room.

I went to my apartment and showered, after that I went to class because I was already half missing. After that I went to my locker and stored my school supplies there.

When I closed the locker again, Jeongin's face came towards me, which is why I jumped up in shock. "Jeongin? What are you doing here?" I asked him frightened.

"The hyungs said I shouldn't talk to you about it yet... but I can't wait" he laughed ashamed and scratched his neck.

"Should we go somewhere else to talk?" I asked him, he nodded, so we went to Chan's studio together.

When we got there we sat down on the sofa and I turned to Jeongin, which he did to me. "What's up?" I asked him immediately.

"It's about..." he muttered and looked down at his hands, I waited eagerly. " a few of our boys" he continued and I knew right away.

"What happened?" I asked with a serious undertone, Jeongin looked at me confused "You already know?". "Well I know which guys you mean... but not what happened" I answered him.

Jeongin sighed again "It's just... there was a big argument..." confused, I tilted my head "About what?" I asked him "...you..." he mumbled and hid his face.

I froze, what did he just say? "They argued... about me...?" I checked again what Jeongin confirmed with a nod. My mouth hung open.

I couldn't believe it, what does that means for the group now? "What shall we do now?" I asked out of reflex. "We talked about it... and the suggestion was made to break off contact with you..." Jeongin replied, but he sounded like he hated the idea.

I nodded understandably, that's the easiest way. "How are we supposed to do that? I mean we still live in the same building... it won't be that easy".

"We know that too... but we have to work it out somehow... can't you talk to them?" he asked me desperately.

I couldn't see Jeongin like that, he really wants to make the debut with all 7 guys. I understood him, I just don't want the group to break apart because of me.

"Then I'll go talk to them" I said and got up, Jeongin grabbed my arm which is why I looked at him "You have to understand they keep their distance from each other so it will be difficult to keep all 4 in one room" he said panicked.

I smiled gently and let go of his hand "As long as I talk to them nothing will happen" I assured him.

Together we left the studio for the dorm, hoping to find one of the boys. In front of the dorm we heard voices as if they were yelling at each other.

"Oh no... are they arguing again now?" Jeongin asked, slightly panicked, I took his hand and smiled slightly at him as a reassurance. "Everything will be fine" I assured him and opened the door.

Colors in our eyes // Stray Kids x OC (ENG)Where stories live. Discover now