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Third person POV:

There were still two days left before Kuma left the campaign, and she had already got all the important documents back from JYP.

Kuma decided to be productive the rest of the time and went to Chan's studio first. There she saw him working intensely on something with headphones. Kuma smiled to herself and remembered the night they had worked on songs together.

Kuma tapped Chan on the shoulder what surprised him slightly, he turned to Kuma and then smiled at her when he recognized her. He took off his headphones and showed Kuma to sit on his sofa.

"Hi, what are you doing here?" he asked, being interested. Kuma showed him a USB which Chan skeptically took in his hand. "Here are all my projects, effects, sound folders and settings so that you have everything the same like on my laptop and can change something about the projects".

Shocked, Chan looked at Kuma and held the USB stick firmly in his hand. "Why are you handing this to me?" he asked shocked and turned completely to Kuma.

"At home I will no longer have the opportunity to work or publish it and I want it to be used properly, which is why I give it to you, I'm sure you will find and use something good and useful in it" she smiled and looked at Chan's face which was shocked.

"I don't know Kuma, how can I return the favor?" he asked with a big smile on his face while looking at the USB. He knows some of Kuma's tracks and was more than just dreaming of having all of Kuma's effects.

"Use it for your songs, look for inspiration in it, with it you will be able to return the favor" she smiled in response because she already knew that Chan would play his heart on these projects. "You're an angel, that's why I fell in love with you" smiled Chan and hugged Kuma tightly.

Even if this comment made her feel a little uncomfortable, she returned the hug warmly and smiled broadly at Chan. "I'll go on then" smiled Kuma and said goodbye to Chan before she left the studio.

With firm steps she now went to her old training room to hear music in it. She peeked through the door and saw Minho exercising with concentration. Kuma took the chance and sat down on the bench to Minho's right.

While Kuma watched Minho train, she played with the other USB in her hand, nervous of Minho's opinion.

She knew Chan wanted these effects and projects to play on, which is why she wasn't so nervous about him. Still, Minho is much better at dancing than Kuma, which is why she doesn't know if this USB will be use for him.

When the song ended, Kuma clapped softly, which surprised Minho. Minho just grinned at what Kuma replied and approached him with his bottle. "Why am I getting a deja vu right now?" Minho asked, amused, and took his bottle from Kuma's hand.

She just shrugged her shoulders before she held out a USB to him, confused Minho grabbed it and looked at it "What is that for?" he asked confused and looked up at Kuma who was looking at him rather nervously.

"Well... there are choreography ideas of mine on it... I thought maybe... they could come in handy at some point" she said nervously, looking around. Minho smiled widely and hugged Kuma.

"You're the best" he said, almost crushing Kuma, which she didn't really mind at this moment, she returned the hug and was more than relieved to hear this reaction from Minho.

They loosened the hug, but Minho's hands were still on Kuma's waist. "But why?" he asked now "The ideas just can't be thrown in the trash, they have to be used" smiled Kuma and broke away from Minho completely.

"I'll go again then" smiled Kuma and wanted to leave the room when Minho stopped her. "Can't we dance the duet together one last time?" Minho asked her interested.

Colors in our eyes // Stray Kids x OC (ENG)Where stories live. Discover now