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It was the day of the departure. The boys helped Kuma bring her things downstairs, out to the exit.

The guys felt bad because they couldn't spend a lot of time with Kuma as they had their debut the next day, however, Kuma was more relieved to see the guys making the effort for that debut.

They still had a good while before her parents arrived, so they all sat on the street side and enjoyed the last time together.

"So Kuma..." Chan suddenly started which was a sign for the boys to stop talking. Kuma turned away from Jeongin to look at Chan's face.

"Since you are going to leave now, we thought about giving you a present" smiled Chan, Kuma replied "You shouldn't have done that" she smiled, but Jisung was already holding a wrapped present on her lap.

"Too bad it was already made and packed" grinned Jisung, which surprised Kuma, but still made her laugh.

"Who packaged this?" asked Kuma and pointed to the present. This was wrapped with a lot of sticky tape and a few creases here and there to make a present that would just hold up.

"Not everyone is good at packing" Minho mumbled, slightly offended, and crossed his arms, Kuma laughed out loud. "The next time we meet I'll teach you" she smiled.

After she said it, she only realized what a promise she had made and looked surprised at Minho, who just smiled gently and nodded "Teach me when you come back".

Kuma smiled again and looked down at the present, she opened it shortly before the paper decided to open by itself through the skillful packaging of Minho.

Kuma could see the mixtape of the guys that they put out a few months ago with the guys' signatures on it. She looked up in confusion. "Are you serious?" she asked, amused.

"What? Could be that you want to hear our beautiful voices again?" Hyunjin grinned which made Kuma laugh "I'll use it with pleasure" she smiled and lifted it to find another object.

It was a book that was decorated a bit outside of the box with all sorts of stickers that had nothing to do with each other. Kuma leafed through the first few pages and discovered pictures of the boys with messages on them.

"These are our messages and wishes for you" smiled Felix which made Kuma look up. "So that you can remember the time here" winked Chan which Kuma commented with a hearty laugh.

She closed the book again. "I'll read it on the drive back home" Kuma smiled and hid both presents in her bags.

It was quiet for a moment until Kuma heard a little sob next to her, she looked over at Jeongin who wiped away a few tears. Kuma immediately grabbed the younger one and hugged him.

"Stop crying or I'll start" Kuma laughed lightly and stroked Jeongin's hair while he lay in the embrace.

"When you come back... will you sit on my lap again if there is no more room?" Jeongin asked with a sob in between. Kuma felt a tear gather in her eye as the younger said this.

She nodded strongly and closed her eyes "Let's do this when I get back". She looked at the others who lost their smiles too.

"Felix?" Kuma asked, he looked at Kuma with expectation "When I come back, please treat my wounds again" Kuma smiled weakly and saw Felix grimace while trying to keep his tears from flowing.

"I'll do that" he nodded aggressively and closed his eyes. Kuma looked next to him at Chan "Chan?" the older one nodded to her "Let's work on music again when I come back" she smiled and saw the older one nod "When you come back" he replied.

"Kuma?" Jisung asked, whereupon Kuma turned her head to Jisung "Can we bake a cheesecake together?" "When I come back?" Kuma asked with a smile, Jisung nodded with tears in his eyes. Kuma nodded "Let's do this".

"Changbin?" The addressed looked surprised at the younger "Let's visit your grandmother when I come back" the older just nodded sadly what made Kuma smile a little.

"Can we discuss movies together again... when you come back?" Seungmin asked, pausing for a moment in the middle of a sentence. Kuma smiled while tears ran down and nodded "I'm looking forward to it".

Jeongin broke away from the hug which calmed Kuma and looked at the younger one who wiped away his tears.

"Hyunjin?" he jumped up at his name and looked at Kuma with a red nose. "What should we do when I come back?" she asked the older one, he laughed slightly before answering "Go out to eat expensive... I pay?" Kuma just laughed then and nodded "That sounds good".

"And? Shall we dance together again? When I come back?" now Kuma turned to the last person, Minho looked at her sadly and nodded "You remain my only partner in duets" Minho grinned cheekily whereupon Kuma nodded "I am honored" she replied.

It got quiet again and everyone was busy trying not to break down completely. In this whole conversation they had used the word 'come back' too often to be able to sit quietly again.

Kuma had made empty promises, Kuma and the boys know that. Everyone knows there is actually no next time, they know Kuma won't be back, but these empty promises were one of the things that should connect them together.

The hope to see each other again in a magical way was put into this 'come back'. The wish to see each other again was put into this 'come back'. The expectation of experience something together was put into this 'come back'.

Everything in that friendship had suffered as well as brought together. The boys did not know that a ninth person would give such a jolt into their friendship, they did not expect that they would find so many obstacles in it.

Kuma didn't know that she would get to know so many people, she didn't know that these guys were changing something deep inside her. She didn't notice how open she had become to others through the boys, she didn't notice how much she would give up for people, she didn't notice how much she needed people in her life.

A horn interrupted the silence and everyone got up to see a car that was parked a little further away, Kuma sighed, the car had hardly changed after 2 years.

She turned back to the guys and smiled slightly "One last hug?" she asked, spreading her arms. Jeongin was the first to jump into her arms.

They hugged, parted, and Kuma went to the next person to hug them. When all the boys were rattled through, she grabbed her bags "I hope none of you are lazy now, you will be celebrities from tomorrow on. I want to be proud of you so, show the world what you can do" grinned Kuma with the biggest smile she has.

"And you have a good life, find something and make the best of it, move your life into a good life" replied Chan which she replied with a nod. Kuma went to the car and opened the trunk.

"Hello, sweetie" her father smiled in the rearview mirror to which Kuma replied "Who are the boys there?" he asked interested. Kuma sat down next to him and smiled broadly. "These are friends I will see again when I come back" she smiled.

Her father was confused by this comment but did not question any further and started the car. Kuma stretched out the window and waved one last time to the guys who replied before she was no longer in sight.

The boys sighed hurt at the scene as Kuma drove away from them. "And what now?" Jeongin asked and turned to the group. "Go on living?" Chan asked him slightly confused.

"Don't worry, she will come back"


The End

Was that the story? Yes

Will there be a sequel? No XP

Best wishes Anna

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