28 Moving 3

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Early the next morning the family of three got up to begin preparing for the day's work. Unlike Ling Xiao who did not need to go anywhere, Ling Qin and Emilia still needed to go out for the day.

Emilia needed to go to work to finish up some procedures while Ling Qin still needed to go to school since today Was still a School day and they hadn't dropped all pretense yet.

Ling Qin also didn't need to stress about it much since Ling Xiao had already told him that he would come to pick him up earlier so they could finish picking up all their resources. He could also make use of the time to say goodbye to his friends.

Once everyone had left Ling Xiao called Hawk.

"Hey captain how are you doing? Haven't heard from you in a While"

"I'm fine" Ling Xiao replied

"So how Is being a husband and a father. Is it fun? Are you coping or have you finally come across a Mission you can't solve"Lin Zhou codename Hawk muffled quietly

"Yes, it's fun! No is not tiring and it is not a Mission. This is family! You and the others should get married too I'm sure you would enjoy being a husband too ."

"Eh boss I'm fine I'm still too young for marriage" Lin Zhou cried out in alarm.

"It was just a Kind suggestion. Plus your twenty-six this year you're not that young." Ling Xiao snorted

"Anyway back to important business. Have all the guys returned yet from their mission in J City ?" Ling Xiao asked

"Yes everyone has returned" Lin Zhou replied becoming serious.

"Good! How about it have all the materials I asked you to prepare ready ?"

"Mhm everything is ready we are now only waiting for the cars to finish modification and they will be delivered on Tuesday."Lin Zhou replied.

"What about the house ?"

"Modifications are complete. Right Cap when are you coming over? The issue with the Weapons is something you have to come to handle personally. I can't get them to move that many weapons with my clearance alone."

Ling Xiao "Don't worry I'm coming there on Sunday I'll deal with the rest myself ."

"OH, you're finally Coming back," Lin Zhou said spiritedly. "Are you coming back alone or is the mistress and baby Qin coming along too."

"Everyone is coming. We are moving over that side on Sunday." Ling Xiao responded

"Eh boss you finally managed to convince the wife to follow you back ?" Lin Zhou said suprissed

Ling Xiao was silent for a second before he replied "No Emilia got a job transfer to S city ."

Both men were quiet for a while.

"Captain ... All these things that you have been preparing ... What are they for exactly? Is something about to happen?" Lin Zhou finally asked the question that had been on his mind for a while now.

Ling Xiao remained quiet

"Captain?... " Lin Zhou's voice came from the other side of the phone awakening Ling Xiao from his trance.

"Yaa . . . Something big will be coming. I'll explain everything to You guys when we meet on Monday."

"Oh alright "Lin Zhou responded

"Well I've got to go" Ling Xiao Said
"I've got some packing and things l need to wrap up over here first. I'll see you on Monday! "

"Alright boss see you on Monday"

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