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Hehe holla~

Pretty sure I misspelled it😅✌️

So I was not active for quite a while, to be more specific for about a whole month.

Main reasons are:
1. Busy with assignment
2. Receiving tons of hate
3. Feeling insecure about ma English

So imma repeat myself,
You don't like my books, then don't read it you coconuts! 🥥

And even if you decide to write me a hate comment or message it to me personally, then remember!

I am just a teenager girl, who tries her best writing a book.

I am a human with feelings, I know, kinda surprising right? But yes! I don't enjoy people writing me:

"Your books are horrible!"

"You better quit writing"

"Your writing skills are shizzy"

"It will be better if you stop updating"

"Have you ever tried taking English lesson? Cause I think you need to try!
Stop writing girl."

Wow, wow *clapping*
You are very brave behind those keyboards.
Congratulations! You made me feel bad, satisfied?

But lemme tell ya! I am not going to stop writing, so you may duck off!

And if not! I will burn you eyebrows!

I know my English ducks, but guyseu...
It's my third language, I am trying my best I swear.

Now! Enjoy the chapter kings and queens 💕

Now! Enjoy the chapter kings and queens 💕

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Taehyung's p.o.v

Well, the last three months were the best three months of my life.
Me and Jungkook are still hanging on hehe, enjoying our relationships.

My family accepted me and Jungkook, while his parents are still not very happy but they are not mad either.

The winter break is right behind the corner. All the students in our university already have plans, but I didn't have the time for that.

Currently, me and Jungkook are going to my house. It has been a hot moment since we have spent some time at my house.

"Baby, do you have any plans for the winter break?" My tall boyfriend asked me.

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