Are you STUPID?

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Katerina Pov

Sarah and me were meant to watch the storm play out while watching a film but she fell asleep .
I was sat bored not knowing what to do.
I look out her window to see the ocean the waves looked great.
I decided to surf I haven't in a while and I miss it .
I left a note for Sarah saying where I was going in the kitchen .

I head out towards the beach , it was thrilling . Not like how England was at all.
I enjoyed living in England for a year I would've enjoyed it more if my Dad wasn't with me .
I strapped my board to my Ankle and ran out toward the waves.
It was raining heavily but I love it.

Sarah Cameron POV

"Rafe where's Kat?!" I ran down the stairs to see Rafe sat on the sofa.
"I don't know SHES your friend?" I roll my eyes at his rudeness.
"You don't think she went out into the storm?" I knew Kat did stupid things. She was basically JJ and JOHN B combined.
"I wouldn't put it past someone like her"
I knew why Rafe hated Kat , she was a pouge but I never understood why he was so mean to her considering her father was a Kook.

"Rafe your going to help me look for her!" I shout at my brother .
I was really worried about Kat.
"Oh yeah? What makes you think that?" He smirked cleverly.
"If you don't hop in your jeep and go look for her I'll tell Dad that you stole some of his money to by coke last year!" I threatened the boy .
"You wouldn't dare"
"I would now get up! I'll take the van and you get the jeep! If I find out you didn't look for her I will kill you!" I grab the van keys and drive to the pouges side of the island hoping she was with Jb or JJ.

Rafe Cameron POV

God she was a bitch.
Both her and Kat .
I went though a rough year last year I did things I'm ashamed of .
I told my father everything except stealing the money I couldn't bring myself to do it .
I got up and grabbed my jeep keys .
As I do I see a note on the fridge.

Sarah I'm going to surf at the beach I'll see you later
~ Kat x

Of course this dumb bitch is going surfing while the storm is at its worst .
I jump in my jeep and make my way to the beach front.
I can't see Kat .
I drive along the beach till I see her shoes.
I jump out looking toward the ocean.
The rain making my hair soaking.
It was silent only the rain hitting the sand could be heard.

That's when I see Kat she was swimming towards a massive wave there is now way she can get over that in time.
The wave takes her out and I lose sight of the girl .
I waited for her head to pop up but it didn't .
I ran towards the ocean swimming out to where the wave took her.
I drive under water not being abled to find her.
"KAT!" I shout as I thrash about trying to find her.
God this was so inconvenient.
I drive again and see her .
I grab her and swim towards the beach .
She was pasted out I thought she was dead.
I put my head on her chest to try and hear her heart beat.

When I said it was silent I was wrong, it was so noisy now .
The wind hitting the trees blowing stuff over and I couldn't hear Kat's heart .
I started to pump on her chest with my hand a few times trying to resuscitate her.
She was just led there , with blue lips and wavy hair all over her shoulders.
After a minute she coughs up water , gasping for air to reach her lungs .
She rolls over so she was on her front coughing water out into the sand.
"Are you fucking stupid?! Going out in the storm you bitch I always knew you were dumb but holy shit this is a whole new level"
I say to her as I watch her cough some more .

"I get it I'm stupid I know" she hits her chest with her fist to try and clear her throat.
She was on her knees now looking up to the sky as rain hit her face as she takes a deep breath.
She looks towards me and we make eye contact not saying anything just staring at each other .
I hear shouting and foot steps on the sand.
I turn to see JJ, Sarah and John B.
Great some of the squad is here.
JJ runs over to Kat picking her up .
"What the fuck did you do to her!" JJ shouts at me accusing me of trying to hurt Kat.
I get up and laugh "me? I'm the only reason that dumb bitch is alive right now!" I point to Kat as she shivers.
I was soaking and covered in sand and now highly agitated.

"Don't call her that!" John B defends Kat.
"What? A dumb bitch? what do you want me to call her? I think the term dumb bitch fits her perfectly"
Sarah hugs Kat "come on let's get you home"
I huff knowing that "home" for Kat meant my house .
I get in the jeep as Sarah and Kat sit in the back.
"Bye assholes" I put my middle finger up at the two boys as I drive away.
"Your so childish" Sarah scolds me .
Kat was quiet the whole way home .
She didn't say a word. Which was a good thing because I really wasn't in the mood to hear her voice.

We all get back and Kat heads up stairs to shower .
"Thank you for you know pulling her out" sarah sounded like she hated thanking me which she probably was but I didn't care.
"Yeah you better be , you owe me Sarah" I walk upstairs to shower also.
As I walk out of my shower toward my room I bump into Kat .
She was wearing pj shorts and a long sleeved v neck top.
Her hair was wet and just hanging down her shoulders.
She looks awkward like she doesn't know what to say .
I huff and push past the girl heading towards my room.

I turn as I hear my name being called.
"Thank you for you know saving me back there" she awkwardly rubs her arm .
I knew she hated saying that and I loved every minute of it.
"I only saved you because of Sarah , so don't thank me it won't happen again" I spit walking into my room to get changed.


I couldn't stop thinking about the wave hitting me.
It hit me so hard it knocked all the air out of me.
I was screaming trying to reach the surface but I was just being submerged by the dark water .
I finally saw black and fully pasted out .
The thing I saw next was Rafe , someone I would've Preferred not to see as I just recovered from drowning.
As I lay there on the sand coughing up water all I saw was his eyes , his blue eyes .
What he said to me at the beach was true, I was stupid I didn't even think .

I hated agreeing with Rafe , I just hated him in general.
But I guess I owe him , so I awkwardly thank him and now I'm led next to Sarah as she snores .
It was 3am.
I sit in her window seat looking out at the storm and the waves .
I got a shiver when I saw the waves crash down onto the sand.
I remembered I put my jacket in the dryer so I make my way down stairs to see if it's dry.
As I turn a corner I bump into a tall figure, I couldn't see who it was and my fight response kicked in as I throw a punch .

A strong hand caught my punch and pushed me against the fridge.
I then saw who it was.
It was Rafe.
"That's a weird way of showing me your appreciation for saving your ass" he says still holding my fist .
"I just came to get my jumper" I try and get my hand out of his grip.
"Is that so? Last time I checked you didn't have to punch the son of the household to get your jumper out of the dryer" the boy smirks as he lets go of my fist.
I push him away from me and then turn my head back to him as I walk toward the dryer i glare as he just laughs and walks upstairs.

I put the jumper on and make my way back to the window seat in Sarah's room .
Just watching as the storm destroyed everything.
I fell asleep in the window seat as I'm woken by Rose .

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