It's not like we're together

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I wake up to see the cut on my cheek bruising , I think it might scar.
I shower then put some makeup on.
Not a lot because I'm terrible at it, I wish I could do that cool eyeliner but my hands aren't steady enough so I normally get Sarah or Kie to do it for me.
They've been trying to teach me and to be fair i am getting better at it.
*incoming call*
"Hey Sarah what's up?" I ask as I brush my teeth.
"It's Rafe" oh god what's he done now I thought.
"What about him?" I turn my tooth brush off before spitting in the sink.
"He's working for your Dad now something to do with business between our Dads"
He wouldn't-
Well why wouldn't he, he's Rafe and he doesn't care about anybody but himself.

"Oh what kind of deal?" I interrogate further before turning the phone on speaker so I can put my shoes on and still hear Sarah.
"I dunno something to do with property development? You coming over today?, the pouges are coming over we're getting in the pool because Rose and Ward are at the beach house"
It's was like the hottest day yet, which was strange considering summer break was nearly over.
"Yeah I'll be over in 10 love ya bye"
I throw my hair up into the best pony I could.
Wearing some shorts and a bikini top.
I walk downstairs to see Alice sat at the table eating breakfast.
I try to avoid speaking to her but of course I knock over some of Jenna's god awful shoes by the front door.
"Where you going sis?" She gets up walking towards me.
"Oh cool same" she walks past me grabbing the keys out of my hand.
This bitch-
"No your not coming with me no!" She turns laughing at me.

"I'll do what I want plus Daddy wants me to be friends with Sarah" she shrugs getting in Dads car.
I was going to borrow it , he wouldn't even notice because he's got the other one.
I roll my eyes as I get in the car also.
"Who said I'm giving you a ride?" Alice bitches.
"Me since you stole the fucking keys you little brat" I huff as I strap myself in.
She starts the car and it's the worst 5 minutes of my life.
I practically jump out the car running into Sarah's house.
"Wheezie!! Look at you! I love the swim suit" I complimented the girls yellow sunflower swim wear.
"Why's she here?" Wheez frowns and I couldn't help the smile that appeared on my face.
"Kat invited me" Alice shrugs walking past us towards the pool outside.
"I don't remember me begging for you to grace us with your presence" I follow her .
"Kat! Oh - hey Alice?" Pope comes running up to me Unbracing me in a hug.
I notice JJ, Kie and John B all sat out tanning.
JJ had a beer of course.
Sarah was under an umbrella and Rafe was just getting out of the pool.

"Hey Alice" Rafe greets my sister without even giving me a second look.
I guess he was still mad at me.
"Kat come on I've made cocktails" Sarah calls , I go over to her sitting in the shade also.
"How'd you get that cut?" Sarah points out , I was going to answer before Alice interrupted me.
"She fell over" she laughs spitefully , Sarah just nods awkwardly clearly not laughing.
"Yeah" I confirm not wanting to tell them in front of Alice.
She didn't believe me plus I don't want her knowing the full story.
"Kat your Dad invited us to this party thing next week" J chimes in , I told them (the pouges) that they weren't aloud to tell anyone that I'm leaving for London.

Not yet anyway.
"Yeah ,you guys don't have to go it's stupid" I shrug and I hear Alice scoff.
"Your lucky Dads even invited you let alone your friends" she rolls her eyes.
"Have you always been a bitch? Like seriously what crawled up your ass and died" I say casually not even looking at her.
"Aw someone is bitter that I'm Dads favourite" she pouts her lips.
"Yeah we all know why" Kie defends me and I can't help but smirk slightly.
"In my opinion your both bitches" Rafe glares at me.
"Lucky we didn't ask for your
opinion then isn't it" I roll my tongue against the inside of my cheek.

"Alice is the sorta 'bitch' that people like and Kat well your just a bitch" he was trying to get under my skin.
It wasn't working, I wouldn't bite.
"Nah she's just a dirty pouge" Alice tilts her head to the side as I jump up ready to fight the girl.
"Yeah your right at least you turned out all right" Rafe laughed as he sat up smirking at Alice.
"You piece of shit" I scoff stepping forward but I'm stopped by John b who shakes his head.
"Later?" I fake smile at Alice as she rolls her eyes.
"I'm so scared" she holds her arms up.
No absolutely not.
I push JB out of the way full on lunging at the girl, tackling her off her sun lounger.
"Get off ahhh!!!" She screams as I just pin her hands above her head.
"Your such a baby you know that right, I haven't even hit your sorry ass yet" I mock , that's when I'm grabbed off her by JJ.

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