Invite only

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I shuffle in my bed, falling straight out of it onto the floor with a Yelp.
"Rafe you ass" I look up to see him taking up most of my bed.
"Shit sorry" he moves closer to his side letting me get in again.
It's only when I hear my mothers voice that I finally realise I've fucked up.

"Rafe! Hide" I push him out of my bed making him growl in response.
He grabs me by my thighs, he playfully tackles me into the bed and I whine.
"My mums home" I state as he finally gets his face out from my neck looking at me.
After what happened in his car last night we'd come back here, Sage slept on the sofa.
"Ok?" He questioned not seeing the problem.

"She'll freak if she sees you in here" I push him to the side taking my top off to get a clean one.
That's when my mother walks in, my chest out, no bra and Rafe sat on my bed in nothing but boxers.
Her eyes go wide and I cover up "it really isn't what you think- I was changing!" She blinks a few times.
"Down stairs now" she said calmly as she shuts the door.
I look towards Rafe and he shrugs.
He's helpful.

We both change, walking down stairs to meet my mother and Sage.
"I bumped into Sarah this morning- at Kiera's Restaurant" mum speaks as soon as she sees me coming into the room.
"You see- I was under the impression that you were still friends, she used a few other words to describe your relationship" she plucks a grape from the fruit bowl.
"So when we're you going to tell me that you and Sarah hate each other all because you slept with him" she points at Rafe and I watch as his jaw tightens.

"I don't hate her-" I correct my mother and she laughs "yeah well she definitely hates you"
Sage's eyes widen apologetically.
"I like him" I state and she narrows her eyes at me.
"You hate him? You always have. You actually told me once that you'd rather be friend with the son of satan then be in his company for longer then a minute and then you said that you've never seen the son of satan and Rafe in the same room for a reason- you said you'd rather spend time with satan" I let out a little laugh recalling the time I said this.

"You said that?" Rafe's mouth opened playfully as if he couldn't believe I'd say such a thing.
"I get Sarah's mad! I do, but-" I try find the words but Sage soon talks.
"Sarah pushed Kat in the pool- a dirty cold pool last night all because Kat bumped into her, Sarah isn't her friend" Sage looks at my mother and she nods.
"She did that?" My mother was taken back by what was said.
"Yeah" I scratch the back of my head awkwardly.

"Look as much as I'm so glad that
you have-" she looked between me and Rafe before speaking again.
"I think you losing your friendship with the pouges is a bad thing- there your family"
My mother was right.
They were my family.
"I love them mum I always will but I can't do anything if they won't even let me talk to them"

"Keep trying Kat, I didn't raise a quitter" she joked and I roll my eyes.
"I'm not going to take shit from them just because I slept with this asshole" I point to Rafe and he huffs.
"Still here you know" he reminds me and my mother giggles.
"Just listen to how they are feeling- then explain how you are feeling- don't give up on that friendship" that's when post comes through the door.
My mother picks it up.

She opened it before giving it to me.
I watch her face drop.
"It's for you" she gives me the letter, I notice it said her name on the envelope.
But it was in fact addressed to me.
It was a wedding invitation.
To Jenna's and my fathers wedding.
Oh my god.
I give the letter to Rafe.
My mother didn't know, I didn't tell her.
"Mum-" I begin and she shakes her head.

"It's fine, I knew- I always did" she looked glad.
I was confused- how did she know?
"When your Dad came to pick you up he told me he met someone" she tilted her head confidently.
"And you don't care?" I question and she shakes her head.
"Good luck to who ever dates him" she laughed and I felt a wave of relief wash over me.
"I'm not going to this shitty wedding anyway" I take the invitation out of Rafe's hand.
I was about to rip it in half before he stops me.

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