The Fall out

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"Get out of that bed!" Sage walks into my room for the second time today.
I've been in bed for over a week.
I couldn't be bothered to face them, I was way to pussy to do that.
"No!" I whine as she grabs my legs trying to pull me out of my comfort place.
I hold onto the rails of my bed, she lifts me up as she pulls but unsuccessfully pulls me out.

"Let go of the railing!" She groans as she drops my feet back on my mattress.
"Come on, you're really going to let them make you feel this way?" She folds her arms before sitting next to me on my bed.
"Move up" she stated, I move slightly so she could fit.

Jake had left, he moved in with the pouges? I don't know he hasn't spoken to me since.
Since I lost all my friends.
"Look, you can't keep sleeping it isn't good for you!" She demanded and I groan in annoyance.
"Are you mad at me?" I look up from under my pillow.
"No, I'm not mad at you" she shakes her head with a smile.

"Seems like your the only one at the moment" I pout and that's when I'm shoved out of bed, I hit the floor like a sack of shit.
"Ow! You bitc-" I start before she jumps happily.
"Ha! Caught you off guard! Now get dressed! We are going to your mums work to drop her off lunch!" Her bright smile made the corners of my mouth upturn slightly.

"Fine fine" I give into the girls demands, plus I couldn't leave my mum hungry.
I put on a ruffled up top that had been on my floor for the past week with some shorts.
It was like I was going through a break up but worse-
Wait? I am going through a break up, Jake dumped me. Wow . Tough year.

I put my hair up in a messy bun and then meet the hippie girl downstairs.
"Let's go" she already had the bag full of food for my mum.
We start to walk to the Kook side and I instantly feel nervous.
I started to sweat slightly from how fucking scared I was.

What if I saw them?
We walk through the white doors , the new club looked nice.
I hadn't seen it yet and it was definitely a improvement.
We walk to the outside area, my mother was on break, she was sat outside enjoying the nice weather.
"You got her out of bed then" my mum laughs.
Sage told her that Jake broke up with me.
She left the part out about Rafe and the pouges.

"Here's you're lunch miss Young" she holds out the bag and my mother thanks her.
"Can we go home now?" I whine like a child and Sage rolls her eyes.
"We are going to the beach" she says goodbye to my mother before grabbing my hand.
"I am not going to the beach-" I warn the girl.
She might be strong but she ain't that tough.
She wasn't getting me on that beach-

20 minutes later:
I was on the beach.
She had dragged me, like literally dragged.
I sat on her towel folding my arms.
"See not so bad" Sage reassures as she opens up a can of coke.
"Shit" I duck my head but it was clear that they had already seen me.

The pouges.
"Ignore them" Sage stated , like it was that easy.
"Don't look over there" she warns me and I do as she says.
"Wanna play a game?" She asks and I nod trying to keep my eyes off my friends who were obviously glaring at me.
Talking about me.
Laughing at me.
"Ok, I'm thinking of a number between 1-20 what number is it?" She asks me, this was like a kids game.

"10?" I watch the girls face drop to the floor, I thought I might have to pick it up for her.
"How'd you know!" She giggles before playfully pushing me.
"It's your favourite number" I let out a laugh,  she smiles when she sees me laugh.
That's when Sarah walks past with Jake.
They both stare at us, if looks could kill- they should probably try harder. They were new to this sort of thing I guess.
Sage rolls her eyes at them again, she was so unbothered.

"So then I said, how can someone be so back stabbing and then I thought of Kat-" Sarah purposely speaks loudly as she walks back past us.
"Very mature Cameron" Sage didn't bother to look behind her.
"Traitor" Jake huffs at Sage for defending me.
Wow this was like something out of mean girls.
I hated it.
Sage lets out a big laugh at Jake's comment.

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