What the fuck

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We get to John B's , JJ, Pope and I laughing our asses off.
Sarah, Kie and John B didn't seem as amused.
"What the actual fuck?!" Sarah shouts getting our attention.
"Could you be any more selfish? I finally patch things up with my Dad after running off to the beach and you Pull shit like that! I- I really didn't expect that from you Kat" she shakes her head and turns walking up to the house .
My body becomes empty when I realise I've hurt Sarah .

"Come on Sarah" JJ doesn't see the big deal , I push his arm and give him the look to indicate that it was in fact a big deal.
I push past him and follow her up to the house.
"Sarah?" I see her crying in Jb's kitchen, she wipes her tears trying to be cold with me.
"Sarah I'm sorry-" she cuts me off turning to me.
"That's the second time you've apologised to me since being back! Did you go to England and lose your fucking heart or were you always a bitch?!" I gulp seeing that she was more upset then I thought .
A single tear leaves me eyes , danm that kinda hurt.

"Kat-" Sarah realises she shouldn't of said that.
"Do you know why we made a scene?" I ask her and she looks at me with sad eyes , shaking her head.
"Because your crazy Ex , his best friends and your brother were chasing us trying to beat the shit out of us like they did on the golf course!" The rest of the crew come into the kitchen.
John B , Kie and Sarah look confused while JJ pretends like he hasn't heard anything and Pope looks at his feet .
"When? When did that happen?" John b walks over to me.
"You didn't even fucking notice my black eye or Popes cuts or the fact that Ive been wearing jumpers in a fucking heat wave to cover up bruises! You didn't notice because you don't care all you care about is your self's and the fucking gold that you didn't even tell us about!" I was panting heavily so angry with everyone and life in general.

"Kat I'm sorry , I should've noticed" Sarah tries to hug me but I step away not wanting to be touched .
"No I'm sorry , I'm sorry I made a scene I really am , but the only reason we did was to get back at those Kooks!" I don't mention the boats that we sank as we made a pack not to tell the rest of the crew.
"Pope , Kat I'm really sorry I should've noticed" Kie generally looks sad .
"It's not your fault Kie, you were working we didn't even see you until our bruises had faded but Sarah I thought you at least would've asked me-" I shake my head not knowing what to say.
If i went on I would say something I regret.

"Look I'm sorry we made a scene but that's was on us three not you , it has not reflection on you and if you wanted to keep things good with your Dad why even follow us or invite John B?" I point out and she nods realising that she had already fucked things by inviting her boyfriend.
She invited him , to show that she loves him and they are back on track.
"I know I'm sorry I shouldn't of said you were a bitch I didn't mean it! And Pope I'm sorry I didn't notice , both of you I'm so sorry!" Sarah apologies and John B has been weirdly quiet.
"JB anything to say?" I snap him out of his thoughts.
"I'm sorry to all of you, I've been such a asshole lately, I've been distant , rude and self  absorbed because of the gold , I think I know where it is , these last couple of weeks I've been trying to find the gold with JJ, Kie and Pope I'm sorry , I've been a dick I really am sorry I could've lost Sarah or you Kat just because of this stupid gold" he confesses , he looked so tired.

"I've got to go , I need air" I suddenly didn't feel so good.
I stumbled out of the porch and puke .
I obviously eat to much , while waiting for the Cameron's big walk out and after all that running my stomach clearly didn't like it.
Sarah runs out , holding my hair back.
"I'm sorry I-" she sh's me and rubs my back.
That's what I liked about our friendship , even when we are mad at each other we can't help but care for one another.
I wipe my mouth sitting on the steps.
"I'm sorry I was a dick I shouldn't of caused a scene it was wrong" I apologise to Sarah as she joins me on the step.
"I'm sorry I didn't notice your eye or Popes cuts" her chin wobbles as she knows she made a mistake.
"I'm sorry I was a fucker Sarah!" JJ walks out joining us.
Sarah laughs and hugs him.

The whole crew come out and we sit around the fire with beers.
"Ok so I think we should make a new packed, that even when we're mad at each other or we are all arguing we have to make up and look past it because that's what pouges do!" John B holds his beer up.
We all follow his lead , bashing our cans together in the middle.
After a half a hour we were all sat in the hammocks laughing.
"No did you see Rafes face! He looked so confused!" JJ was laughing about Rafe at midsummers when he was watching us run away from his fucked up friends.
"Why was he even in that room?" Pope laughs with JJ.
"Probably doing coke" Sarah adds also laughing .
She didn't know he started doing it again.

I felt uncomfortable knowing that he was yet again doing it and that they are making jokes about it, just like how I use to.
I also know why he was in that room , he was with me.
His hands were all over my body , touching every inch of me .
I got shivers just thinking about it , why I let him do that and why for a second only a second! I enjoyed it.
"Kat?" JJ waves his hands in front of my face getting my attention.
"Sorry what?" I laugh as I wasn't even listening to the convo.
"What ya thinking about?" John B asks as he puts his arm round Sarah.

"I saw my Dad at midsummers" I admit that I had seen him, he might not of been what I was thinking about right now but he would be, he always was , no matter how much I hate him he always played on my mind.
"Yeah who was he with?" Pope asks innocently not having a clue that they were in fact my Dads second family, my fathers double life.
"He um-" I didn't really no where to start.
It was all a bit much.
"You don't have to-" Kie reassures me that I don't have to spill my guts.
"When I was in England I found out that my Father had a double life, he has a daughter called Alice who is the same age as us , we have only a few months between us and he has a girlfriend called Jenna who's Alice's mum , he left me and my mum to suffer while he went on "work trips" to England when in reality he was seeing them" I see Popes face wince at the thought of my Fathers life, Kie looked disgusted, John B looked flabbergasted and JJ well Jj spoke his mind.

"Your Dads a fucking cock" JJ's faces heats up .
I laugh and put my hand on his chest "j calm yourself it's fine really , there's nothing I can do about it, they have moved here now they are here to stay I just hope my mum doesn't find out she'd be so hurt , you can't tell anyone that Alice is my real sister it would just make things more complicated." I honestly spill as they all agree to keep there mouth shut.
Rafe now knew about my Mother , where I really live and who I really am I was never a Kook I was always a pouge but now he knew I was a pouge by blood that might not make a difference to you but it sure as hell does in Rafes mind , any Kooks mind in fact, that's bad enough let along him knowing Alice is my real sister and that my Dad had a double life.

"You deserve way better Kat really!" John B smiles at me and I smile back.
"So true fuck Dads!" Sarah raises her hand in a fist shape, punching the air.
"Fuck Dads!" I shout joining in.
"Fuck Dads! Woo" Kie also joins and then JJ of course shouts louder .
"FUCK DADS USELESS PRICKS!" He punched the air as all of us laugh .
"So Pope how's it feel to be the only one with a good Dad who's alive?" JJ teases and Pope stand up .
"It feels - wow I can't even explain, I'd like to thank my Father and his father after that and so on for creating those good Heyward Daddy'S!" Pope bows and we all clap laughing at him.

We sit in a comfortable silence and I look over to Sarah who was fast asleep , I smile as I look at Kie who was asleep also on Popes lap.
JJ had his arm round me , I snuggled into him and fell asleep.
Pope smiles at Kat , knowing that what ever life throw at her she would always throw it back 10 times harder.

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