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My head was pounding as I wake up the next morning.
I had texts from the group, they wanted to meet at the Country club for lunch.
Sarah works there so she gets free meals once a week.
Everyone was going, we hated seeing the Kooks but the food was amazing.
That's really what I need to help with my hangover.
I put on some white shorts with a floral bikini top and white shirt to cover my shoulders paired with some dark blue high top converse.
I felt shit but at least I looked good.

I start to walk to the Kook side, passing by lots of old rich white men who stared at my shorts.
Fucking pervs.
I text the group saying that I was 5 minutes away, they saved me a seat.
I approached the round table as my friends were chatting.
"Hey-" I awkwardly stand there, me and JJ haven't spoke since he got mad at me.
"Hey" he smiles and pulls a chair out for me.
"You guys ordered yet?" I ask and Kie shakes her head.
"Nope we were waiting for you" Pope laughs as he reads the lunch menu.
We order drinks, me having a water and the rest of the group having lemonade.
"You look tired?" John B notices my eye bags.
"I went to a party last night" I nodded and the group gets what I'm saying.

"What party?" Sarah comes over as she gives us our drinks.
"Your working?" I notice her in uniform.
"Only for 5 more minutes so I'll be able to join ya so anyway what party?"
"Chloe greenwood?" Sarah pulls a face and I nod.
"Why? You hate her"
"A party is a party Sarah" she smiles and walks off.
"You have fun?" J asks me with a awkward smile.
Im guessing he feels bad about what happened.
"Yeah it was ok" I nod back and that's when Rafe and Topper come over

"Ok? I would say you had fun? Shame we didn't get to see you because fucking kelce kept you busy most of the night" Topper laughs and Rafe stands there looking at me.
"What?" Pope says as his expression turns to sadness.
"I didn't-"
"Yeah ya did Kitty Kat" Rafe speaks and I turn my head towards him in disbelief.
He walks me home because he wants me to be safe and now he's being a dickhead again.
"You fucked the person that helped beat the shit out of me and Pope?" I knew J was on about at the drive in movie.
It was a shitty thing to do.
"I was drunk I didn't even know it was him-" I speak so fast that my words were over lapping.
"You must of known Kat" Topper smirks as he signals to Rafe to leave.
I watch as they both exist the club.
"He's right you must of known! He hurt not only JJ and Pope but you too! What were you thinking?" Kie scolded as she gets up from the table walking away.
Pope follows her as does JJ.

I knew I fucked up big time , they were right I shouldn't of got with him.
I was drunk but that's no excuse.
"Are you mad at me too?" I notice John B still sat at the table.
He shakes his head with a smile.
"I think it's none of my business who you share your time with-"
I cut him off with a worried face "it was once! It won't happen again! I will not spend my time with any Kooks" I laugh and he nods.
"Hey where's the rest of the guys gone?" Sarah comes sitting down next to JB.
"I fucked Kelce at the party last night because I got too drunk and Rafe and topper  just exposed that-" Sarah's eyes widen.
"Wow um didn't see that coming-" she laughs and I roll my eyes.
"I really fucked up" I lay my head on the table.
"It was one time Kat! They can't be mad at you forever"
"No but they are definitely going to give it one hell of a go" I sigh annoyed with myself.

"Rafe and Topper are such assholes" Sarah huffs as she folds her arms.
"He's your brother-" John B laughs.
"Yeah and he's still an ass" Sarah reply's to her boyfriend with sass.
"Yep!" I agree .
"You should be mad at them not just yourself, plus we'll talk to the others get them to stop being stupid" John B gives me a little bit of advice on the matter.
"You're right! Oh and thanks see you guys later" I wave them off as I walk out the club into the golf area.
I knew they'd be here, they always were.
I see them in the distance , playing, they had two girls with them, who were probably just watching them drooling.
Topper and Rafe being so vain definitely enjoy it.
I take a deep breathe before I storm over.
"Hey asshole" I shout and Topper turns as he does I punch him straight off his feet.
All the force behind my body was in my punch.
I hear gasps from the girls and other club members.

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