Fair fun

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3 days later. Saturday
The club was having a fun raiser at the beach for charity.
It was basically a fun fair.
My mum was helping out and I wanted to help too, get out for a bit.
I hadn't been out since-

I was heart broken, I'd cried as soon as I got in but I didn't want anyone to know what happened.
He can't know he broke me.
Sage had gone back to London yesterday with Jenna , they are living together until Sages papers come in.
Meaning she will be able to school over here.
Alice was unfortunately still in obx.

I felt even more vulnerable with Sage gone.
She was the one person I could be honest with, no matter what.
"You'll be running stand 4 Kat- it's easy, just shoot the cans and get a prize" I nod as the organiser gives me my task.
I walk over to the stand, boxes were led on the little table in front of the tent.

I start setting up, the gun was fake but none the less if I got shot with one of these it would hurt.
I set up my stand before anyone else.
I start to walk round helping people set up, my mother was in charge of the sweets stand.
"Hey" I turn quickly when I feel a Hand on my shoulder.
It was Kie.
"What do you want? I'm really not in the mood for a dig right now" I turn back round packing sweets into a line.

"I'm working at the stand next to yours, didn't your mum tell you?"
Oh my fucking lord.
I was actually about to kill myself.
This week was just getting worse and worse.
"Rafe moved into the beach house, Ward wouldn't let him back" Kie tried to make it sound causal.
But in reality it just sounded nosey.
I shrug my shoulders and she sighs "look- I don't know what went on or what you see in Rafe-" I cut her off.

"Saw- what I saw in him" I correct her, ok yes I hadn't gotten over what happened on the beach.
Rightly so, he made me feel less of a person.
He made me feel like I wasn't good enough.
Just because I'm a pouge.
"Ok but I miss you! I don't agree with what you did but I don't hate you either , I'll see you later"
She walks off.

"Kat! Pay attention go to stand 8" I nod at the organiser and stride towards the stand with a face like thunder.
They were setting up rides, fairest wheel and the tea cups.
I was moving boxes to stand 10 from stand 8.
Oh god why did I even offer.

A few hour later: 6pm
The fair was officially open.
A lot more people used my stand then I thought, only two people had won prizes though.
"What are you doing here?" Jake smiles at me as I speak .
"I thought you were meant to go back-" I try finish my sentence but he does for me.

"To London? You see my Dads American, I was born here so technically I can come back and stay however long I want, I've already rented a place- where's Sage? Oh that's right she went back" he snared as he spoke and I thought my head was going to explode.
"You going to play or not asshole?" My brows raise at him.
He smirks taking the gun out my hands.
He tries to shoot the targets but is unsuccessful.

"Aww better luck next time posh boy" I laugh at him and he squints his eyes at me.
"Very funny- who'd you get that nick name from? Ohh Rafe right, where is Rafe-" Jake looks at me and then to the side.
"Don't tell me he got what he wanted from you and left- already danm" he fake gasped and my head officially exploded.
"Ah! Are you mad!" He looked at me with wide eyes.
The gun was in my hand and I accidentally pressed the trigger relasing a wooden bullet.

It hit between his fingers scarring him.
"Fuck off" I stated and he does promptly.
There was now a hole in the table. Great.
That's when I spot Rafe,Kelce and Topper with a bunch of girls.
They were across from me at some other stand. I tried to act like I hadn't seen them.
I made the mistake of looking up again catching eyes with Rafe who was also looking around.
I swallowed as I took my eyes away from him.
The group moved onto a different stand, still in eye sight.

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