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God I hated this shit.
Dressing up all fancy pretending we were all good People who had this fun party every year but no it was just a another reason to show off there wealth and power.
You might ask why I'm going if I hate it so much honestly I didn't know .
Sarah was forcing me and normally I would say no but I just agreed not having anything better to do.
JJ and Pope were working there .
Sarah was taking John B (of course her Dad wasn't aware of that)

Kie was going with her family , so the whole crew was here.
After what we did and by "we" I mean JJ , me and Pope.
We sank the Cameron's boat along with Toppers.
Wether they knew it was us or not we did not know.
I was waiting with everyone else , waiting for the Cameron's to walk out like they were the fucking Kardashians.
John B had just arrived and he was talking with Pope.
The Cameron's finally walk out , we all clap for them, I roll my eyes at the event .
I see my Father, Jenna and Alice.
They were by the food enjoying the snacky bits.

God I dislike them strongly.
I turn to try and make my way inside wanting to piss "hey there Kat , nice eye ,I'm glad , I got ya good" topper had stopped me from entering by holding my shoulders.
"Get the fuck off me" I try not to get anybody's attention.
"I know what you and your boys did and when we have Proof I'll have yours and their heads on a stick" he fake smiles and walks past me.
I quickly turn my head , searching for JJ , I see him giving drinks out and I speed jog to him .
"JJ I need to speak to you" he looks at me weirdly almost like a "really?" Face.

"Now?!" He asks in disbelief as he was working and the people he was serving were giving us dirty looks.
"Yes now?!" I mock him and tug his arm.
He nods and I grab his hand as we walk inside trying to find somewhere more private.
"What?! Kat what's so important?" He looks annoyed .
"Topper knows , he knows that it was us" I whisper .
His face twists and he leans in more "they haven't got proof , so deny deny deny" he smirks and I roll my eyes.
"Yeh yeah deny deny till we die and I think that's going to be soon because proof or not Topper and Rafe are going to have our heads" he nods and his facial expression tells me that I had a point.

"Ok go get Pope and we'll fuck off somewhere before shit gets real" I say to JJ and he agrees going off to get Pope.
I wait in the hallway , I hear A noise and jump slightly.
I look round the corner not seeing anybody, I walk down the corridor checking it out .

I look round the corner not seeing anybody, I walk down the corridor checking it out

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I don't see anything or hear anything so I turn back to where I was talking to JJ .
Before I can I'm grabbed and shoved into a room.
I go to scream but a big hand covers my mouth.
I start hitting and scratching anywhere I could.
I'm pushed away from who ever grabbed me I've never spun around so fast to see who it was in my life.
"Chill Kitty Kat it's just me"
Rafe stands there with a smirk , I soon wipe it off "nice suit get it from a kids store? Considering it's colour I'd say the boys Isle?" I mock what he's wearing and he frowns.

"I just came to say that Barry won't bother you again" he puts his hands in his pockets .
I laugh at him , he clearly doesn't know about the boats.
"I don't need you to look out for me I can look after myself! And don't stand there like I'm going to thank you for talking to your coke dealer just so he doesn't beat me up again"
I fold my arms looking at the boy I hate the most.
"Look after your self? Is that how you got those stitches and that black eye?" He steps closer backing me up against the table.
"Funny how both these times , had something to do with you Rafe" my jaw clenched and I push his face away from mine , by his chin and he smirks .
"I'm trying to be nice Kitty Kat but if you want me to be mean again just say so" he looks me up and down.

"Be nice? Aw thank you so much!" I sarcastically spit out .
"You have never been anything but a dick head to me , so stop the whole I've known you for so long Kat , it felt wrong standing there like a little bitch while Topper beat you up-" I was going to carry on ranting but am interrupted by Rafes lips.

He smacked them on mine , pushing me into the table even more, his hands ran through my hair down to my waist as he bunched up my dress.
It was strange I wasn't stopping him , if anything I was kissing him back.
Pulling on his tie and hands pulling on his shirt.
I somehow was now sat on the table with Rafe standing between my legs.
His right hand ran up my thigh while his left was on my throat lightly choking me.
When I felt his finger tips touch my underwear I realise what's happening and push him away.
His hair was messy and tie was undone , he was panting as he stared at me , sat on the table with my dress bunched up to my waist with messy hair..

He wiped his lips and smirked "finally found a way to shut you up" his husk voice was lasted with lust, I jumped up from the table slapping him across the face.
"You ever touch me like that again I'll hurt you!" I warn pushing past him .
"Don't pretend you didn't like it Night" he says before I exit the room.
I pretend I don't hear him and run out of the room back down the hall to meet JJ and Pope.
As I did I hear loud foot steps , I look round the corner to see JJ and Pope running at me.
"Go RUN KAT TOPPER!" Pope screams at me to run and I start to run with them back towards where Rafe was.

I was slower then JJ and Pope considering they both had longer legs .
JJ grabbed my hand dragging me along , I laugh as we run through the halls.
Topper and Kelce after us.
We run past the room I was just in as we did Rafe come out looking really confused.
"What's going on Top?!" Rafe stands there watching Topper chase us.
"They sank our boats!" Topper shouted not stopping to talk to Rafe .

Rafe Cameron's POV

I see JJ , Pope and Kat running towards me , Pope with a frightened expression, JJ with a stressed expression and Kat with a excited expression.
I see JJ holding Kat's hand , we're they a thing?
Before I could think anymore about that , I see Topper and Kelce chasing them.
"What's going on Top?!" I shout trying to figure out why we are chasing pouges yet again.
"They sank our boats!" Topper didn't stop to talk .
I stand there confused? Boat? Dad didn't tell me one of our boats were sank.
I chase after Topper and bump into his back as we watch JJ , Pope and Kat make a scene.
We were no longer chasing them .

"Topper what do you mean?" I whisper as we watch the pouges .
"Your Dad told me that your boat was sank because the plug was missing , same with mine right after the golf course incident" Topper glares towards them.
"He didn't tell me?"
"He didn't want to upset you but we already know who did it! Those fucking pouges!"

Katerina Night POV

We run away , back out to where everyone was dancing with Topper, Kelce and now Rafe hot on our trail.
We jump into the dance floor , people gasping as we accidentally push them not being abled to stop from the speed we were just running .
"Nice seeing you boys again!" JJ salutes Topper , Rafe and Kelce.
I laugh and look at him with wide eyes.
"C'mon Kie break free! Come on Sarah you know you like us more! And John B your a OG pouge boy! So come on!"
JJ carries on his crazy speech , everyone looking at him disgusted.

"Katerina Night don't you dare-" my Dad emerges from the crowd .
Trying to take the "responsible Father" role.
"Or what?! You'll send me away? It's not like you know where I am half the time anyway!"
I laugh and we run towards the river.
JJ spinning me round as we flee.
Kie , Sarah and John B also joining us three.
"Kathrine!" Jenna shouts annoyed that I had made a scene.
Oh god I just know her and Rose get along great.
"Bye assholes!" I shout as we reach the boat all jumping in and sailing towards John b's dock.

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