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"Miss Young we found her" a police man walked into the room opening the door to let all of us out the small waiting room.
All the pouges were here.
She walks through the door with two policeman either side of her.
She had dark circles under her eyes, her hair was up in a messy style and she had a hoodie on.

"She was at the hospital visiting Mr Tanner" the sheriff raised his brows at Kats Mother.
"Why the hell did you scare me like that!" Bonnie hugged her daughter tighter then she did last night.
If that was even possible-
"Kat!!" That's when Rafe calls her name.
The door was open again.
As soon as Kat saw him she froze.

She was scared. Scared of him.
She could still see that very same darkness in his eyes.
"Hey- look at me" JJ turned Kat's face with his hand.
"You ok?" He rubbed her cheek with his thumb.
Kat nodded slightly.
"I needed to see him- I'm sorry" Kat's eyes started to water.

All the concerned faces around her made her feel more guilty then she was before.
"I thought you were gone-" JJ let out a chuckle.
That's when he leant down kissing her.
It was a short and sweet kiss.
Kat smiled at him slightly.
That's when Rafe hits the bars.
"Oi! This isn't looking good for you as it is! Cut it out!" The woman shouted at him.

"Let's get you home" Bonnie grabbed Kat's hand.
"Shut the door on the cell" the sheriff demands.
"Ma'am Miss Night said she would give us a witness statement" Bonnies eyes widen.
She looked at Kat in shock.
"Miss Night" he gestured into his office. Kat couldn't see Rafe anymore and he couldn't see her.

"What the hell is she playing at?" Kie grumbled to Sage.
"I don't know but I'm guessing people round here don't treat a rat very well" Sage had a burst of anxiety hit her.

A few hours prior:
Kats PoV

I walk in slowly, the admin staff were so nice.
"I'm here to see Jeremy Tanner" I tap the desk with my nails.
My eyes widen when I still see his blood underneath them. I thought I got it all out last night obviously not.
I hide my hands under my sleeves "are you a relative?" She tilted her head suspiciously.

"Yes I'm his cousin" I smile slightly, she had a right to be suspicious of me, I looked like a cracked out 26 year old.
"Ok sign in here please" I sign in with my original name.
"Room 125- second floor" she smiles at me as I walk to the elevator.
It still had that horrid chemical smell.

I walk towards his room.
I was so scared.
Scared of what I was going to see or who I'd see.
I turn the corner sharply basically throwing myself into his room.
He wasn't awake, he was led down, his face was still smashed up and bloody.
My heart started to race again like it had that night.

I sat down in the chair next to him.
"I'm sorry- I didn't want any of this to happen" I whispered to myself.
Tears streaming down my face.
I start to pick at my bloody nails.
"Who are you?" Two people walk in, who I assume are his parents.
"I'm Kat- I helped Jeremy at the party" I stand up quickly finding myself uncomfortable.

The two people were red eyed and they looked almost as swollen as Jeremy's eyes.
"How is he?" I side eye Jeremy.
"How do you think he is!" The Dad shouted at me and I wince at the volume.
"Aron calm down! He might hear you!" The woman hit his chest.

"Laurie he's dead! Look at him he's good as dead!" The father started to cry, he sat down in the arm chair.
"Don't say that! They said he's stable! He just needs to wake up! Which he will! The medicine will stop working and he'll wake up" Laurie sits on the end of his bed.
"He'll be fine my dear- I just- I need to know who did this to my boy, he's only 18" the woman starts to shake with sadness.

"18? I thought he went to college" I  quietly speak out and she smiles proudly.
"He skipped a year- he was so bright"
She rubbed his head with her hand gently.
He isn't dead yet.
"What's he like?" I ask sitting back down, my nerves calming slightly.
"He's generous and so kind too kind if you ask me- he gets it from his mother" Aron finally speaks to me.

"He's smart and brave- so brave, he broke his leg once and didn't even make a fuss- that is our boy" she starts to sniff as more tears stream down her face.
"Why are you here?" Aron stood up and I found that I was shrinking.
"I need to know if he was ok- I can't get the image of him out of my head" I play with my nails.
Not looking up at the man.

"You were there?!" The mum stood up, her eyes searching mine for answers.
"Did you see who did this?" Aron pointed at his son, tears also falling from his eyes too.
My voice was un-audible. I'd lost my voice.
Maybe it was the panic or the guilt that took it away.
"Who did this to my son- my boy" the father started to choke on his sobs.

I hadn't felt this much pain since my Nan died.
My mothers mum died when I was young.
I just remembered everyone around me being so sad, so held back by sadness.
"I- I saw" my voice barely comes out and the Dad drops to his knees in front of my, holding my hands in his.
"Please- tell me- We need to know who did this to our boy- I'm begging you" seeing a man so emotional was different.
Almost worse.
You don't see men like this often.

"It was a guy at the party- that's all I know I'm sorry" I stand up quickly running out the room, the Father follows me.
"Please! If you know anything tell someone!" He shouted down the hall.
I turn looking at him one last time before I bump face first into a policeman.
"Miss Night just the girl we're after, if you'd like to follow us to the station" I went with them obviously having no choice.

Police station:
"Just fill in whatever you can remember" he handed me the slip with a pen.
This felt wrong.
Like I was betraying him but I had too, if Jeremy died and I didn't give a statement I wouldn't ever forgive myself.
I fill it out, everything I can remember.

"Why was he so aggressive- he isn't normally like that- he's a good- he isn't normally aggressive" I stutter over my words slightly.
The truth was Rafe wasn't a good person.
He had his faults just like everyone else but - a good person was something he definitely wasn't.
"Well when your high a kite it does that to you" my face drops slightly.

I thought he was sober.
"He was high? He's been sober for a while- I didn't know" I explain to the officer.
He nods "he had cocaine in his system along with weed" he chews gum aggressively and I start to grow inpatient.
"Will he go to prison for this?" I fiddle with my hands and he shrugs.
"My Partner got a call just before you came in, he's awake and stable- he's lucky, got a broken nose and bruised face but should be out of there in no time, but with your statement we can make sure this doesn't happen again" he snatches the statement from me.

I didn't want to give it to him.
"No I want to retract my statement-" I try grab it but he puts it in an envelope and puts it in his draw.
"Miss Night I assure you, no one will know it was you who gave us the statement" he leans over the desk, leaning his hands on the wood surface.
"No it isn't truthful! I need it back" I lie and he raises a brow.

"Really? It lines up with the other two that other people wrote about what happened that night?" He calls me out and my body grows cold.
I stand up, storming out towards my mother.
"Let's go- I don't want to be here anymore" I grab her hand walking out.
"I can't believe you just did that- that's my brother Kat!" Sarah sounded slightly annoyed.
I sign "I'm sorry! You didn't see his face! There faces! You don't understand!!" I whip around turning to her.

"What do I not understand? I was there too! That night!" She shouts back, the pouges stand there awkwardly.
"You weren't the reason Rafe attacked him! You weren't at the hospital! His parents were begging me- it's the least I could've done!" Tears start to spill out my eyes.
I was so sick of crying.
"It's ok" Sarah hugs me and I cry into her.

"Let's get you home-" my mother holds my hand as I get in the car with her and Sage.

Did Kat do the right thing?

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