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8 months into the year:
"Ok class, now that we've read the whole play and even seen it on film what's you're opinions on it and the characters lady Macbeth as well as Macbeth himself?" Our English teacher walks in front of the class.
She was pacing.
I put my hand up and I see Jake roll his eyes.
We had different opinions on the characters.
"Yes miss Night" she chooses me out of the two other people who had there hands up.

"I enjoyed it, i thought Lady Macbeth's character was interesting, she defied every stereotype that a woman should of had back then, she was strong and at times she led more then Macbeth" I hear a scoff and turn to see Jake smirking.
"Mr Reid do you have something to add?" Miss fawns brows raise waiting for him to speak.
"Lady Macbeth pretended to be strong, her being the leader was just her exterior- she couldn't even kill the King because he looked too much like her Father- she wasn't strong like Macbeth who actually killed King Duncan" I couldn't believe what I was hearing, he's joking surely.

"Some of that is true and some of that is pure- look- Lady Macbeth was the master mind behind the whole murder- she manipulated and pushed Macbeth to do the dirty work- she was smart , cunning and overall a better character then Macbeth" I close my note book a bit too aggressively as I turn towards the boy.
"Yet her character had a weak end just like how woman were meant to be back then? No? So she wasn't as strong as she thought was she? She might of pushed Macbeth to do those things but after she was guilt ridden- a emotion that was strictly for woman back then" Jake does the same turning towards me.

"Macbeth was stupid- he died like how any man would back in the day too? All because he didn't see the signs and thought he was too powerful! He was arrogant and stuck up his own- Lady Macbeth met a end that in my opinion showed her character well, she died because of guilt but she was also the one who took her own life- control is what she liked something a woman back then wouldn't have or need that's what makes her different and a better character period" I lean back in my chair as Jake just smirks before Miss Fawn claps her hand together breaking up our debate.
"I love how passionate you both are, you both Have really strong points very good" she smiles before dismissing the class.

"You enjoy being a sexist dick Reid?" I ask as we both walk out together.
"Ha, you're just mad that I made legitimate points instead of your feminist view that pushed all your points and hey, that isn't bad I'm totally a feminist but you need more then just that to prove a point , to prove why she is a good and complex character" he states and I scoff.
"You've missed the point- that's why her character is so complex! Woman didn't have feminism back then let alone act on it but she did" I walk away from the boy before sitting down next to Sage at a lunch table.

"You alright?" She asks clearly picking up on my annoyed attitude.
"Yeah" I bluntly responded as Jake sits down too.
"Have another Macbeth debate?" Sage asks Jake as he nods smirking.
Sage also nods understanding, this wasn't the first time one of us had come out angry because our opinion.
"Kat, there playing Macbeth at the theatre tomorrow night, I was wondering if you wanted to go with me?" Jake asks as he pushes his fork around his pasta bowel.
I don't answer straight away, I was trying to think before speaking.
"Yeah as long as you don't be a dickhead" I shrug as Sage laughs.

"Alright then I'll come by your room at 6" he gets up as he walks over to a group of guys.
He played football with them.
"Sounds like a date to me-" Sage whispered and I groan.
"Stop making it weird please" me and Jake hadn't talked about the kiss 4 months ago.
Since then there has been a tension between us not necessarily a bad one but a tension none the less.
"Why? you kissed?" She states as she eats a orange.
"Once! 4 months ago! We were both drunk!" I laugh as she had been trying to push us together since the kiss.

Rafe Cameron's PoV
"Rafe when will you fucking grow up?!" My father shouts as he steps towards me, I back up as my back hits his desk.
He laughs at me, he was smiling at my fear-
"Your done, your out of this house by tonight!" He states before stepping to the side waiting for me to leave.
"Yeah fine" I scoff as I walk past him.
He was kicking me out because I was doing coke again.
I get it, I shouldn't be around Wheezie it isn't right.
But that's not why he's kicking me out, he doesn't care about Wheez or Sarah he just doesn't want to see my face.

I'll stay at Barry's for now.
I wouldn't stay at anybody else's house, sure Topper does Coke with me but he and the rest of my friends don't know that I have a problem.
They think I do it once and a while for fun like them, they didn't know that I was doing it in my room alone at night or doing it before work.
The only people who know about my problem is Sarah, Wheezie, Rose, my Dad and the pouges.
Sarah couldn't keep her mouth shut, she'll say she told them because she was worried but she only told them because she loves chatting shit.

I make my way to Barry's I don't bother packing my bags.
I just go.

Katerina Pov
Tomorrow night:
I put a jacket on as I meet Jake outside my room.
"Hey" I speak softly and he smiles.
"You ready?" He asks and I nod before we leave the school going by taxi to go see the play.
We were aloud as it was educational.
"I'm so excited! I've never seen it live before" I couldn't help but clap my hands together in excitement.
"I haven't seen it either" he side eyes me with a smirk.

We soon get there and we sit in our assigned seats.
The play starts and my eyes lighten up in awe.
"Wow" I sigh as I watch the battle.
The last part of the play- where Macbeth loses to Macduff.
We all clap when the lights come on, people stand as they applaud.
"That was amazing!" I whispered to Jake who kept smiling at me.
"I don't think I've ever met someone who is as excited as me to go see a Shakespeare play" we start to walk to a taxi.
He wasn't old enough to drive and neither was I over here.

"It was fantastic Sage! Like the effects the acting god it was just-" I practically try to re-enact the play as I explain how good it is.
"Beautiful?" Jake interrupts and I nod

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