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Rafe's POV

"Stop? This Asshole broke into my house" I kick them again, Kat grabs me pushing me away from them.

My eyebrows frown in confusion, the person wore a ski mask. All black clothing.
"Stop! Fucking listen to me for once in your fucking life-" she gasps out in exhaustion, she looks at me in annoyance turning back to the trespasser on the floor, they were curled up in a Fetal position.
She drops to her knees taking the mask of them. My mouth practically drops.
She looks back at me, her eyes full of 'I told you!?' That kinda look.

"Hello Dad" her voice was cold as she stared at the man in pain.
"James?! Your Dad?!" My eyes widen as I walk round getting a better view.
"Katerina? Is that you?" He groans rolling over onto his back, Kat turned looking at me , her face flat.
"Yeah Dad it's me" she quietly whispered, was he the one breaking into all the houses?
"Help me get him up" Kat holds his arm trying to pull the man up, I grab the other arm also pulling him up.

We managed to get him up onto the sofa.
He had a bruise on the top of his head, maybe I shouldn't of hit him that hard.
"Why did you break in?" Kat stood in front of him with crossed arms.
"Why?! Whyyyy?! I'm fucking broke that's whyyy!" James shouted, I could've grabbed him, beat him to death for speaking to Kat that way.
"Broke?" I question. My face also resembled Kat's. Pissed off. I knew exactly why he was broke.
"Your Dad pulled my deal! I'm not apart of the company anymore-" he started to cry and Kat laughed making him look up at her.

"It's called karma you asshole!" She slapped the side of his head making him hiss.
She walks off into the kitchen , her hands run through her scalp, she was stressed.
I turn away from her staring at the pale man before me.
"I'll call the police" I state, I pick up my phone and he falls to his knees.
"Please- I'll do anything!" He cries touching my shoes, he's begging? James Night begging?
I didn't think I'd see the day.
"Don't- leave him" Kat comes back in her eyes unsteady, they flash from me to her Dad.

"Why? He's an asshole?" I stare at her, what was she thinking?.
"Your going to help me take him home-" she stares back at me and I frown.
"One problem- I uh might've robbed two more houses before I actually got to
this one-" James grinned proudly.
Great. The police would be in the area.
"Hell no- Kat come on!" I shout at the girl finding myself grow angry at her stupidness.

"He's my Dad! Help me or- throw us both out" she grabs James by the arm pulling him with her.
For fuck sake Kat.
"Don't go out that way- follow me" I groan going towards the back door.
"I'll make sure no one's out there- stay here" Kat walks out looking around.
That's when I grab James by the collar "I swear to god if you fuck her over again I'll make you wish you were never born" I notice Kat coming back and I drop him instantly.

"You still like her" he mocked in a child voice, was he on crack? He was acting so child like.
"It's clear- it's also only a five minutes walk from here" Kat grabs James's arm pulling him out the door.
I follow instantly, grabbing the other, he scoffed as I did so.
I don't trust this dick.
Surprisingly we get to the house just fine.
"Let's go Kat-" I try tug on her arm but she pulls away.

"Five minutes-" she runs in the house after James.
This girl is going to be the death of me.
I could hear sirens approaching the house.
"Fuck sake Kat!" I run after her, we both bolt up the stairs, James was throwing shit in a bag.
I watch as Kat opens up a floor board that was in the spare room of the house.
"What are you doing?" I could practically see the blue and red flashing lights outside.

They obviously knew it was James. They were here for one reason only.
"I just need a minute!" She shushes me, I watch as she shoved her hand into the floor rummaging around.
For god sake.
That's when the door gets kicked in, Kat doesn't move she still continues doing what she was doing.
"Kat-" she puts the board back down making the room look untouched.

I grab the girl, pushing us both into a closet, shutting the shutters, I hold my hand over Kat's mouth as she tries to protest.
"We found him!" I hear a cop shout from the upstairs bedroom next to ours.
My heart was beating so fast that Kat could probably feel it on her back.
"Jeremiah Night you are under arrest"
After what felt like years the police finally left.
I knew they'd be back soon, to look for everything he stole, for evidence, to return all the things he stole.

"We have to go" I push open the doors and she pushes me away from her.
She starts to laugh a little. "You think that's funny? We could've been arrested!" She was seriously laughing right now.
"But we didn't? I'm sorry-" she started to crack up again.
I could've pushed her down the stairs.
"Let's go!" I shake my head, walking down the stairs.
"I'm sorry ok" we exit through the back door, we run into the woods behind the house.

We start to walk back to mine, I couldn't even look at Kat right now, if we were caught-
I would've lost the deal indefinitely and my Dad would've probably fired me.
I can't screw up again.
"Are you really sulking?" She taps my arm and I glare at her, walking faster through the woods.
"Ok you are" she scoffs a little, keeping up with my speed.
"You don't understand! I can't mess up again! I can't go around helping criminals! I can't be found hiding with one!!" I raise my voice finding myself growing increasingly annoyed.

She stood there with wide eyes "I'm sorry-"
"No your not- you wouldn't of laughed back there if you were sorry!" I turn storming back towards my house.
"I wasn't just helping him- I needed to get this" she held up some paperwork.
I side eye it not paying any attention, continuing to ignore her.
"It's proof that he was the one committing the fraud in the company- not Jenna, it gets her out of debt" I heard a lot of talking and I just couldn't react.

"It clears her name! Plus I'm the one who called the police!" My feet stop and I turn to her.
She called them?
"I needed to get in the house- he wouldn't let me in last week so- I used this as a excuse" she shrugs her shoulders as she speaks.
"When did you call them? I didn't see you call the police?" I challenge, Kat wasn't a liar, I trusted her with my whole being.

"When I went into the kitchen- I called them, I gave them a name and hung up- they put the pieces together" she walks past me and I follow her.
"You know your Dad chased me through this wood" she starts to talk again.
"What?" Maybe she already told me? I couldn't remember.
"Don't worry" she huffed as she started to climb the hill.

The rest of the walk was in silence.
We got to my house fairly quickly, we both start to walk onto my driveway.
"I fucking knew it!" Her boyfriend stood next to his car that was parked in MY driveway.
"Jer" Kat's voice was barely a whisper, well this is awkward.
"Don't 'JER' me!" He raised his voice a little.

"God! I'm so stupid! I knew- I wanted to trust you and you throw it in my face!" Jeremy flung his arms out.
"Get in the car Kat" he closed his eyes in frustration, he turned putting his hands on the roof.
"Get in the car!" He said more forcefully this time.
"Chill the fuck out!" Kat shouted back just as angrily.

"Look Jeremy, we're just friends, listen to your girlfriend and chill the fuck out yeah?" I walk past them both putting my keys in the door.
"Or what? You can't fight me? Not like last time- your lucky Kat covered for you!" Their it was.
What happened months ago- the very thing that made Rafe run.
Well that and what happened afterwards. After the movies.
"Shut up!" Kat screamed, she opened the car door getting in instantly.

She didn't want to talk about it.
I'm not surprised.
"Your a fucking piece of shit bro" Jeremy followed her lead, also getting in the car.
They leave almost immediately.
I roll my eyes finally opening my door.
What a start to my fucking week.

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