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Kat's PoV

I get changed trying not to wake Rafe, it was early and he isn't a morning person.
"Where you going?" He grumbles, his eyes still shut.
"I'm gunna go surf with JJ, the waves are better in the morning" I kiss his forehead and he he sits up quickly.
"What time is it?" His eyes flapped as they try adjust to the light.
"8am" I grab my towel putting it in my bag.

"When will you be back?" He questioned, why was he so intrigued in what I was doing?
"I dunno? I think we are having a beach day" I put sunscreen in my bag also.
"Oh alright have fun" his tone sounded the totally opposite of what he just suggested.
I nod closing the door.

Rafe's PoV
She was going out again? This was like the 4th time this week!
Yes I know I sound stupid and whatever but I have no friends. None.
She's got two- Sage and Blonde Bimbo boy.
While she was surfing it up I was on my own all day.

Topper and Kelce had texted me trying to rekindle our friendship but I wasn't sure.
But now- feeling alone and like a loser I considered it.
I bite on the inside of my cheek looking at my phone that was on the side.
Screw it.
I texted them , we'd meet at the club, then hit the beach.

Katerina's PoV
"Hey J" I flop my board down onto the sand as he stands there with wet hair. He'd obviously already got started.
"You alright?" He asks as he pulls out a water bottle.
"Yeah- just tired thats all and all this bad blood is seriously fucking with me" I shrug my shoulders and he throws me the water bottle.

"They'll forgive you" JJ squinted one eye as he smiled.
"I did" he added before sitting down on the sand.
"Yes but your one out of 6 including Jake" I sigh sitting next to him.
"I'd say 2 out of 6" I quickly turn seeing Pope.
My eyes light up slightly.
"Hey" I say softly not knowing how to start after everything that's happened.

He sighs sitting down next to me "hello Kathrine" he tried to have a serious tone but I couldn't ignore the slight smile he had when he said it. He called me Kathrine to annoy me.
"Hello Mr Heyward" I gulp with a nervous smile on my face.
"Look- I fucked up, I know I fucked up and if me and Rafe don't work out then you guys were right but- I promise if that happens I'm done, done with him"
Everything coming out of my mouth was the truth.

Couples had problems but if Rafe fucked up majorly- makes me feel a type of way then I'll have to leave him.
"You can't promise that-" Pope warns.
His eyes catching mine.
"I guess I can't but I promise I won't lie to you guys next time"
"Is that Rafe with Topper?" Pope stands up and I shake my head.
"Nah he isn't friends with those asaholes anymore" I laugh not bothering to even look at who pope was looking at.

"Uhh you sure about that?" JJ coughed, his voice was uneasy.
I look behind me seeing Rafe with Topper and Kelce.
They were far away from us, they hadn't seen us at all.
My mouth hung open slightly, why the hell is he hanging out with them?
Topper beat the shit out of Pope and me.
How could he?

"You ok?" J's hand placed itself on my shoulder as he shook me back into reality.
I nod slightly trying to pretend I hadn't seen it.
I tried I really did.
But I couldn't stop myself.
I hop onto my feet.

Rafe Cameron's POV
"Dude I'm so glad we're friends again" Kelce pats my back and I smile awkwardly.
Ok so yes. We all did have a chat and they did apologise for believing the text that they got, I still didn't know who sent them that. They had proof.

Yes, the text was true. I went to rehab and I'm a coke addict.
"Yeah I wouldn't say we were friends, you have a lot of making up to do" I state, as I sit down on the beach chairs.
"We're sorry man really!" Topper sat down next to me.
A few minutes pass and I couldn't help but forget the bad blood, I'd grow up with these boys and I laugh every-time I'm with them. That hasn't changed.

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