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It had been an hour since we had left Rory's kitchen and all this time I could see Rick sitting by my side, or rather I should say – sleeping, in the car, with spittle dripping down his mouth. I was just admiring the innocence on his sweet little face. The kid had just eaten a week's food from his uncle's money and now he was enjoying a peaceful sleep beside me.


I wiped away the dripped off saliva from his chin with the full-arm sleeve of my jacket and then leaned back on my seat, gripping the steering wheel.

Now what? Or rather... Where?

I pondered a bit and then decided to go on a long drive along the countryside with my sleeping nephew by my side and started driving slowly, enjoying the weather.

It was a beautiful weather, with the sun hidden behind thick cloud cover and soft breeze flowing, giving a chilling and calming effect. At a distance I could see a man beating a kid with a cane, probably his son. He may have freed some chickens, seeing their ordeal, or would have messed up the milk on the table or something like that –  a typical childish mistake. That part of the city was infamous for its cases of child abuse. I frowned at it but decided to drive on. Obviously, I didn't have any right in interfering in their family matter –  not even a provisional one. Shifting my glance further I could see the mountains of the vast countryside. It appeared so marvellous. I leaned a bit against the window, resting my right hand on the frame and driving with the other when –

'Heyya buddy!', a voice called out from a distance. I looked up in the direction of the call, which was some meters to the right of my car. Seeing the man made me thunderstruck. I couldn't believe my eyes. I applied the brakes and made the car come to a halt all of a sudden. It still didn't hinder the slumber of my little baby nephew. I stared at the man with amazement. I was still in disbelieve what my eyes just saw. The man was standing with a bottle of beer in his hand, calling out to me.  

'You coming or not?', he asked me with a familiar smile on his face and then turning to his left, he started walking away. I stepped out of the car and started following him, filled with astonishment. He started walking fast on the road, in the direction opposite to the front of my car. I also increased my pace and then suddenly it appeared as if I entered into something, I could sense it and my fear was approved. The air around me started getting darker slowly.

The sky was getting darker with every passing second. The roads were starting to disappear slowly, starting beneath my legs and then spreading forward. I couldn't see the man either but at that point it was impossible for me to move even an inch in any direction. I could not see anything beneath my legs! Not only the road but also the trees, the grass, the houses with cars lined up in front of them, the giggles – of some kids playing at some distance far away– all of 'em disappeared. Suddenly there was deafening silence all over the place. I could not help but sway my hands in the dark in search of some prop.

It was when I noticed a silhouette in front of me. Then some light started to take shape in the room. It was yellow – probably the light of fire. Yeah. It was fire. It was the light from a pile of burning candles, placed on a table. With the light I could now see the wooden walls of a closed room. Planks of wood started forming under my feet, making up the floor. The room was not appearing to be eery though. It was a small cabin which was well furnished with a beautiful wooden round table with four chairs set up around it. There was also a pile of books stacked well in a pair of shelves. Adjacent to the candles was a vase with a bunch of flowers, increasing its appeal. Although the cabin looked magnificent in its own way, but still an unknown fear was building up in my mind.

It was when I saw the man standing in front of me, facing the wall. He turned back slowly and looked up at me. Finally, in the faint light of the room, I could finally have a clearer look of his face.  

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