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It will be an insult to this case if I ever forget about it. It's not that we had not tried to bring it up to the public's eye; we were never supported by the Church. And later, it all faded. Only the rumors are what which prevail now. We were asked to keep our mouth shut. It will take us to nothing but widespread chaos and commotion, they said.

While Mr. Frank was successful in doing it till his death, I am still trying to keep it to me; and it hurts real bad! – when you know there's a beast unleashed but you are neither allowed to do anything about it nor you can tell anyone. You just have to witness men die and keep quiet.

But there's this hope. I don't know if this note is ever going to be read by someone but if I can't tell anyone about it, I shall write it. Atleast that is all in my hands. I know there are minimal hopes of someone reaching it. Now I am seventy-one. I don't even know if I am gonna die after writing this. But I want to write it before I die.

I remember we had been spying Edward Warwick for a week then. That was the time when the anti-religious movements were there in their peak. Mr. Frank, as I used to call him fondly, was our prime leader against them. Reports were being circulated that there were a group of blasphemes who were trapping innocent people in their words and were turning them against the Church or were trying to make them believe in Satanism. I was given the task by Mr. Frank to have a look around the region of Southern Reynburg.

One day I got informed about some people smuggling books about Satanism into the area. I followed them. It was when I saw Edward for the first time – buying those books from them. I followed him too and found out he was living at The Warwick's. I informed about it to Mr. Frank and he told me to hold my stand and spy on him while he took up the work of my teachings. I was a new and young Clergy back then – assisted to Mr. Frank. I hadn't started my official preaching yet so I was one of his main men in the silent war against the blasphemes.

That day I noticed Edward in pain and agony as I saw him with those two mysterious men. It was the day we finally got the proofs against the men and got them arrested. We hadn't yet got any idea about what Edward was going to do that night. It was only after the interrogation by the police, they admitted of having given Edward a pistol. Me and Mr. Frank – we rushed to The Warwick's but when we reached there, it was already too late. Edward had already murdered his family and was then possessed by the Devil's men. It took a heavy effort from Mr. Frank to exorcise him. But containing such a huge force wasn't easy. He banished him ultimately – both Edward and the monsters – to that very house where the homicide was committed.

No wonder how strong the Devil's men were! It was all the manifestation of the oceanic human mind. In this case, Edward's mind. Not only he was a strong medium; his search for resilience in hope of Satanism had crazily driven him to insanity; and profound belief. He not only believed in Satanism; he was certain it was the only way out. He had been brain-washed. So badly. There was nothing left within him. The body was void and the mind... taken.

With the spirits gone, what we could see before us were the dead corpses of  the Warwick family. The police came in soon after some minutes. Mr. Frank and I were sitting by the stairs, having multiple wounds - Mr. Frank's being serious.

The neighbors had all gathered around the place. After we got ourselves bandaged, we got to know that the local Church had declined to engrave Edward in their cemetery. They feared that burying the body of Edward in a Christian cemetery may be a jeopardy to their religion because prior to his death he had been converted to a Satanist. A medium for the evil.

It was all ridiculous for me as a young man, if you ask me; even though I am a Catholic, and then, a Clergy. But now... I am not sure. What we did then was we buried him, and all the murdered family members, in the backyard with the help of some neighbors. Mr. Frank stood by me then. The bite on his head had swollen big with an enormous clot. He was holding it with his handkerchief. His face looked horrible with the wounds and scars. He had to be hospitalized for half a month and the stitches took long to recover. The mansion got closed since then but became a bait for potential buyers.

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