Chapter Thirty-Five

Start from the beginning

Concern is back in his dark irises as he stands in front of me, looking confused, sad and disappointed. "So, where were we?" he asks, taking a step towards me before changing his mind and maintaining the distance. " never answered my question. Did I do something wrong? Should I not have come by last week when you were with your aunt?"

I look at him, feeling a ball of shame in the pit of my stomach. He really was so sweet last Saturday, and I returned that sweetness with unexplained ghosting. "No, I was so grateful you came. It made the day much more bearable."

"Then what is it, Lacey?" He cautiously walks towards me again, his eyes scanning my face to see how he would be received.

Knowing full-well I can't come out and discuss the issue, I go to my default response that has become so common lately. "It's my ex..."

A flash of disgust crosses his face before he regains his composure. "Is he bothering you?"

"Not really, no. He just came by a few days ago wanting to patch things up again."

"Do you want to?"

"I don't think so..." I lower my eyes to the ground as my conflicting emotions take hold of my heart. "He and I...we just have a lot of history."

"The thing about history is, it tends to stay in the past," he snickers sadly. "This sounds very present."

"I don't know, Nik. I really don't know."

Nikolai closes the gap between us and places his hands on my waist. "Lacey, I'm not here to tell you what to do. Only you know who and what you need right now. Perhaps with some space and time, you'll get the clarity you need."

"I'm not so sure about that."

"One way or another, you're about to find out."

"What are you talking about?" I ask, crossing my arms with skepticism.

He rubs my arms a few times before releasing a deep breath and stepping back. "I have to go away for a few days for work."

"Like another Niagara Falls trip?"

"Not exactly," he chuckles. "I leave for Russia tomorrow. There's some business to attend to over there and then I'll spend some time visiting family before heading back."

I stare at him in shock, blinking a few times as if that would confirm what I just heard. "You're going to Russia tomorrow and you're just telling me this now?" I don't know why it came out so accusatory. The pang in my heart at his words proves that my attraction to him is still strong.

"In my defense, beautiful, I've been trying to tell you all week," he retorts, his eyes registering a mix of emotions. "I had hoped to get my fill of Lacey before I go, but life had other plans."

"I'm so sorry, Nikolai," I whisper, unable to meet his gaze.

Using his finger to tilt my head up, he stares at me, urging me to look into his kind eyes. "No need to apologize. Just tell me you want to see me tonight."

He runs his thumb gently across my bottom lip, the action causing a soft moan to pass through my, now, parted lips. My eyes flutter at the sensation and butterflies dance about in my stomach. Criminal be damned! No one makes me feel the way he does.

"I want to see you tonight, Nik."

Smiling, he caresses my cheek and leans in. I close my eyes and purse my lips in anticipation. His lips graze my cheek as he whispers in my ear, "I'll come by your place after work." Pulling away, he laughs at my disappointed expression. "What's the matter?"

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