Chapter 10

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A/N: The above clip includes spoilers from Loki.


"Y/n! How many times so I have to tell you. Don't click on the pop up ads!" Loki grumbled.

"It had a cute little turtle on it though." I said in defense.

"I don't care. You're going to get a virus on Stark's computer and then I'm going to have to throw him out a window for yelling at you."

"I'll freeze him before you throw him out of the window."

"Is everything a competition with you?"

"Yes. Get used to it 'cause you're not getting rid of me." I gave him a childish smile.

I looked back at the computer screen and my face lit up. "I want it!" I pointed to another pop up ad for Popsicles.

"Y/n! Don't click it!" Loki practically shouted as I hovered the cursor over top of the ad. He smacked my hand away and pinned them at my sides before closing the laptop and vanishing it back to where it was before.

"Give me my hands back or I'll freeze you." I threatened.

Loki stuck his tongue out at me and let me go as I returned the gesture.

Inaudible shrieking came from the end of the hall.

I looked at Loki as both our faces lit up.

"Thor's awake!" We exclaimed and laughed.

We both jumped off the bed and Loki teleported us into Thor's room.

He was standing, in frog form, in front of the mirror, doing poses while wearing a red cape and holding the miniature Mjolnir in one hand.

Loki smirked and I was already laughing.

Thor turned around. "Jokes on you guys. I kinda like this form. Even as a frog I am mighty." He chuckled and flexed his muscles.

Loki rolled his eyes and I laughed some more.

"Next time, I'll go for his hair." Loki whispered to me.

I smirked and nodded in response.

"Brother, when will this illusion wear off?" Thor asked.

"A few hours." Loki responded.

Thor nodded and strutted out of the room.

"We try again tomorrow night." I laughed.

Loki grinned in response.

We walked out of Thor's room and followed him down to the kitchen. The rest of the team was already down there and eating breakfast.

"Hi guys!" Thor exclaimed.

"Hey, Thor. I was wo-" Clint started but paused when he turned around, seeing Thor in frog form and started laughing is ass off.

"What happened to you?" Tony asked.

"This was Loki and Lady Y/n's attempt at pranking me. However, I like this form." Thor informed.

Tony rolled his eyes and poured himself a cup of coffee.

Clint, still laughing, was now leaning against Natasha for support, trying to calm himself down.

Loki and I walked into the kitchen. I grabbed two bowls, the milk from the fridge, and a box of cereal, filling both bowls to the top.

Loki summoned some Asgardian tea and handed me a cup before getting his own. I gave him his bowl and sat down next to him at the kitchen island.

"Did somebody use my computer?" Tony asked. He had his laptop in front of him at the table, staring at the screen.

"No." The team said in unison.

"Speak to me, J." Tony told the AI.

"Miss Alderdottir and Mr. Laufeyson used it last night." Jarvis responded.

Tony glared at Loki and I.

"He did it!" I shouted and pointed to Loki.

"I did not! You kept clicking on ads for Popsicles and lost turtles!" Loki exclaimed.

"I have no idea what you're talking about."

"Yes you do!"

"Nuh-uh!" I stuck my tongue out at him.

"Yeah-huh!" Loki returned the gesture.

"I work with children." Natasha and Tony said in unison.

"You know what? I don't care anymore. Just don't do it again." Tony grumbled.

"What are you gonna do? Ground them?" Clint laughed.

Tony shot him a glare and went back to typing.

Thor was standing on the counter try to open the cupboard to get his pop tarts.

"Y/n?" He called in a childish tone. "Can you get the pop tarts for me?"

"Sure." I responded as I got up and placed my bowl in the dishwasher.

I grabbed the pop tarts for him and sat them next to him.

"Thank you."

"Mhm" I hummed and sat back down next to Loki.

Thor sat down on the counter and hung his tiny frog legs over the edge as he placed Mjolnir next to him.

"Y/n?" Tony called.

"Yes?" I responded.

"Why is there a 2,500 dollar charge on my credit card?"

"I bought some stuff for my room."

"What kind of stuff?" He asked.

"Posters, pictures, paintings, a rug, a game console, accessories for said game console, a tv, and a chair that spins around and has wheels." I informed.

"You already have a chair that spins."

"But this one is black and the website called it a gaming chair. It sounded fancier."

"Why do you care, Stark? Aren't you like a billionaire?" Clint asked.

"Yes I am. But I would like to know what she bought that way I know what to expect when it arrives." Tony replied. "Also, Y/n?"

"Yes?" I asked.

"How did you get my credit card and access my laptop? I kept them both in my locked bedroom and my computer has a password."

"Loki helped and you're password was ridiculously easy to guess."

"What is it?!" Clint chimed.

"Steve Sucks." I blurted. Clint laughed.

"Really, Tony?" Steve asked. Tony smirked.

"Hey J, change my laptop password." Tony told.

"Already done, Mr. Stark." Jarvis informed.

"We're just going to guess it again." I told him.

"You won't. Jarvis comes up with the best passwords." Tony denied.

"Stark, Jarvis changed our Netflix password to 'avengers_netflix_password.'" Clint said.

"That was a long time ago."

"It was last week."

Tony scoffed and left the room, leaving his laptop behind.

I ran over to the table and started guessing his new password before he realized he left his computer.

"Steve Sucks with an x." Natasha suggested.

The password you entered is incorrect. Please try again.

"Mr.Stark's_laptop_password" Clint recommended.

Before I could type it in, Tony ran into the room and grabbed his computer off the table before storming off again.

"That was definitely his password." Clint laughed.

I nodded and laughed with him.

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