Chapter 48

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I woke up to Loki gently stroking my hair and placing a soft kiss on my forehead. I groaned and forced my eyes open to meet Loki's. The bright rays of sun hit my face and I threw my pillow over my face.

I could hear Loki's laughter coming from beside me. I slightly peaked out from underneath my pillow and glared at him. He smirked at me and I hit him in the side of the head with my pillow. He grunted and dramatically fell backwards onto the bed.

"Goodmorning, Darling." Loki spoke with a smile.

"Quit yelling." I groaned.

"I'm not yelling."

"Shhhh. Yes you are."

"You're hungover." He stated.

"No shit." I grumbled.

Loki chuckled slightly before sitting up and getting out of bed. He made his way over to my side of the bed and grabbed the glass of water from my nightstand.

He walked into the bathroom and poured out the old water before refilling it and coming back over to me. He sat down beside me and handed me the glass along with a couple pills.

"These should take care of the headache. They're technically Thor's pain meds for when he's injured. But they work for hangovers as well." He informed.

I nodded and sat up before taking the glass and pills from his hand. I tossed the pills onto my mouth and pressed the glass to my lips, taking a few gulps and handing it back to Loki. I laid my head back down on my pillow and put my hand over my eyes.

"How long til that stuff works?" I asked.

"Give it about 20 minutes." Loki replied.

I groaned and felt Loki stand up. He crawled on top of me and laid his head on my collar bone as he placed lingering kisses along my neck and jaw.

"What are you doing?" I mumbled.

"Making you feel better." He responded with a smirk.

I let out a breathly laugh and smiled. I removed my hand from my face and looked down at Loki, running my fingers through his hair.

"I need a shower." I stated and removed my hands from Loki's hair.

He let out a playful groan and rolled off of me. I kissed his forehead before getting up and walking into the bathroom, leaving the door slightly ajar so that it didn't get too hot.

I undressed and hopped into the shower, letting the water run down my bare body. I washed myself off and turned off the water. I stepped out of the shower and rung my hair out before wrapping a towel around myself.

By now, my head ache was pretty much gone and it didn't seem like everyone was yelling.

I stepped out of the bathroom and walked into the closet. I was met by a very naked Loki who was looking for something to wear.

"You timed this, didn't you?" I laughed.

"Timed what?" Loki smirked.

I laughed and shook my head as I made my way over to my side of the closet. I pulled out what I was going to wear today and sat it on the bench located in the center of the closet.

I put on a bra and a pair of underwear and went to reach for my t-shirt when Loki's strong arms snaked around me. He trailed soft kisses along the back of my neck and shoulders. I turned around and wrapped my arms around his neck as he kissed my lips passionately, resting his hands on my hips. I pulled away after a few seconds.

"Don't get me wrong, I love it and all, but what's with all the affection today?"  I asked.

"No reason." Loki gave me a few more kisses and spoke against my lips.

I hummed against his lips before pulling away again. I removed my arms from around his neck and wiggled from his grasp, grabbing my shirt and pulling it on.

Loki fastened his belt as I pulled on a pair of jeans. I slipped on a pair of socks before putting on a pair of black combat boots and my leather jacket.

I turned to Loki just as he was buttoning the last buttons of his shirt. I walked over and grabbed his tie, helping him tighten it around his neck.

He placed a kiss upon my lips before speaking. "I have something to do with Thor really quick. You stay up here until I tell you to come downstairs.

I frowned and nodded, placing another kiss on his lips as he walked out of the closet. I walked out shortly after and flopped down on the bed to wait for Loki.

After a few minutes, I got bored and decided to hang upside-down off the side of the bed.

You can come downstairs now, my love.

Loki's voice ran through my head. I tried to gracefully sit back up however, gracefulness is not in my nature and I ended up falling off the bed and landing on the floor with a thud.

I groaned and quickly scrambled to get up. Once I was back on my feet, I walked out of mine and Loki's shared room and closed the door behind me. I was greeted by Peter who was standing outside my door.

"I have come to escort you to Mr. Loki." He spoke in a fake French accent.

I smiled and hooked my arm in his as we walked down the hall way and into the elevator.

When the doors opened, I was met by Loki standing in the dimly lit living area of the tower. There were rose petals and warm candles strategically placed around the room.

I smiled brightly and Peter gently pushed me out of the elevator. He nodded to Loki before stepping back into the elevator and waving bye as the doors closed.

Loki took my hand and led me over to in front of the curtain-covered windows.

"I thought long and hard about what I was going to say for this. I ended up going to my moronic brother for help. When he couldn't think of anything, I went to the only other two people I actually tolerate in this tower besides you. Those people being Peter and Natasha. After neither of them giving me any ideas of what to say, I decided to just wing it, so here goes nothing." Loki paused for a second and retook one of my hands in his. "Y/n, you are my best friend. When I first came to Midgard, you were the only one that treated me like a person. I'm grateful for that friendship; because without that friendship, I wouldn't be doing this right now..."

He let go of my hand and reached into his pocket, pulling out a small hunter green velvet box and getting down on one knee.

"I once wanted to take over Midgard and have everyone kneel before me. Of course, however, that was mind control. This isn't. Now I'm kneeling before you in hopes that you'll accept this ring and be by my side for the rest of our immortal lives. Y/n Alderdottir, will you due me the honors of being my wife?"

I broke the direct eye contact I was making with Loki and trailed my eyes around to make it look like I was considering the offer. Loki's facial expression changed to nervous as I looked back to him.

I smiled widely before speaking. "Yes." I breathed out.

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