Chapter 43

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We ate our sandwiches before going off to our next adventure for the day: Laser Tag. Thor said he and Peter knew a place so once we all got back into our cars, Loki and I followed them to the location.

After a few minutes of driving, Thor pulled into a large parking lot and parked in one of the spaces. Loki drove up beside them and parked the car as well before we both got out.

We all made our way into the building. Harley handed the man at the register Tony's credit card and told him how many people were attending. The man handed the card back to Tony and gave us each a bright green wristband in which we all put on.

We went past the counter and over to a small waiting room looking area. There was a woman waiting for us so that she could go over the instructions and rules. She handed us all a vest in which had an obviously fake gun hooked to it. We all strapped on our vest and unclipped our gun from the hook it was hanging from.

The woman went over all of the rules and told us we would be the only people in the room to play as she pushed back a curtain and allowed us to walk in.

The room was extremely dark. The only source of light being a black light that let the neon colored paint light up brightly. There were some tall and some small, neon paint splattered rocks placed around the room. The ceiling was tall, leaving the perfect amount of space for a person to fit between the ceiling and one of the rocks.

We decided to split into two teams. Since there were only five of us, one of the teams would have three people and the other would have two. Despite Loki's protests and wanting to be my partner, he and Thor were paired as a team. This left Peter, Harley, and I to be a team.

We all split up and waited for the game to start. I ran over behind a tall rock and wedged myself between the corner of a wall and the rock. There was a short countdown from ten and the game started.

I crouched down in my spot and waited for someone to pass by. After about a 30 seconds of impatiently waiting, I decided to climb up to the top of the rock. I sat down on the top of it and flung my legs over either side of it so that I was straddling it.

Thor passed by and I jumped down it front of him, doing a small flip before sticking the landing with a super cool Superhero pose like Nat does. I stood up and pointed my gun towards Thor.

We narrowed our eyes at each other as Thor lifted his gun up as well. We both shot but I was quicker. Thor's vest lights flickered before turning off. I laughed and told him to go to the balcony to be a spectator for the rest of this round.

I heard Peter scream and I ran over to him. He was sticking to the ceiling. Loki shot Harley's vest and took his shoe. He threw the shoe at Peter and he fell to the ground. I dove and caught him before he could hit the ground. All while simultaneously aiming my gun at Loki's vest and shooting him.

I placed Peter back on his feet and gave him a high five. I cod hear Harley cheering and Thor booing from the balcony. Loki just stood there amused with a smirk on his face.

The game reset for round 2 and we all went into hiding until the countdown was over. The automated voice counted down from 10 once again and said start.

Hearing footsteps approaching, I leapt out from behind the rock I was hiding behind with my gun raised. Only to find Harley. He jumped back and let out a screech. I tackled him to the ground and placed my hand over his mouth. He bit my hand and I pulled back before wiping my hand on his shirt.

Peter appeared from around the corner and laughed loudly. I got up and tackled him to the ground as well, putting my hand over his mouth. Once I knew for sure he was done laughing his ass off, I removed my hand from his mouth and helped him up.

Thor came around the corner and shot Peter. The vest flickered as he walked over to the spectator balcony. Loki emerged from behind Thor and raised his gun to shoot Harley. I lunged in front of him and took the hit. There was no point to that whatsoever. Thor shot Harley before I even hit the ground.

The round reset and the voice counted down one last time as we found our next hiding spot. Once the voice said to start I walked out from where I was hiding and met up with Thor and Loki with a smirk. Peter and Harley came around the corner. I shot Peter and Loki shot Harley.

"Hey! You're on our team!" Peter exclaimed.

"Not anymore." I laughed.

I high-fived Thor and Loki as we all made our way out of the dark room. We took off our vests and thanked the lady before walking out of the building with huge smiles plastered on our faces. Well, Thor and I did. Loki had a light smirk on his face and Peter and Harley were frowning grumpily.

Thor, Peter and Harley decided to go back to the tower. Loki and I got back into his car and decided to stay out for a while longer.

"Where to next?" I asked.

"It's a surprise." Loki responded.

He leaned over and placed a kiss on my lips before starting the car and driving off to our next destination.

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