Chapter 42

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The bathroom door swung open slowly and Loki walked out in a towel. His soaked hair fell on his shoulders and sent droplets of water falling down his chest.

I lifted my head up and enjoyed the view while I could before Loki walked into my closet and grabbed what clothes he had in there to put on.

He came back out in an outfit identical to the one I was wearing; a black t-shirt and sweatpants. I smiled and held out my arms, doing grabby hand gestures to get him to come cuddle with me.

He crawled into bed and laid on top of me, resting his head on my chest and wrapping his arms around my torso. His wet hair clung to his face and soaked my shirt.

I placed my hand beneath his chin and tipped his head up to look at me before planting quick and soft kisses all over his face. Loki's eyes fluttered close as I placed one last kiss upon his lips.

"Can you read to me?" I asked.

Loki nodded as a book appeared in his hand. I repositioned myself so that question was laying on top of Loki with my back to his chest. He tucked his arms under mine and began reading.

After a while, I felt my eyes begin to grow heavy. I slowly closed my eyes and drifted asleep in Loki's arms.

Loki felt my breathing slow and my body relax into his and smiled to himself contently as he continued to read to himself.


I felt Loki move from beneath me and get off the bed slowly. I groaned softly and rolled onto my side. Well, I tried to. Instead of just rolling onto my side, I rolled off the side of the bed and landed on the floor with a thud.

"Ow." I forced my eyes open and Loki came over to help me up after laughing at my clumsy ass.

I took his hand as he pulled me up off the floor. I punched him in the shoulder playfully.

"Ow!" Loki shouted overdramatically.

"That's for laughing at me." I informed with a grumpy tone before going into the bathroom and shutting the door.

I brushed my teeth and took a quick shower. After, I headed back into my room and into my closet to get dressed. I pulled on Loki's snake sweatshirt that Thor got him for his birthday and I have taken in as my own. Along with a pair of light colored jeans, fuzzy socks, and a pair of black combat boots. I put on a my black snake necklace and snake ring that Loki gave me before walking out of my closet and back into my room.

Loki was walking back into my room as I walked out of my closet. He had on a dark green dress shirt and black dress pants. Along with black dress shoes and a black tie.

I snaked my hand in his and walked with him out of my room and down the hallway. The team was all watching TV in the living room when we came down.

"We're going out. Anyone else coming?" I announced.

"I'll come!" Thor, Harley, and Peter exclaimed in unison.

I laughed an nodded. Loki looked to me with the 'are you serious' face before speaking.

"It'll be fun." I smiled and Loki groaned. I pulled his head down to meet mine and crashed my lips into his. "You're coming and you're going to like it."

I pulled Loki by the hand into the elevator and Thor, Peter, and Harley followed. I pressed the button for the lobby and waited for the doors to reopen.

Once they did, we all walked out and Loki's car keys appeared in his hand. He opened my door and I got in. He walked around to the driver's side and got in as well before starting the car and driving off. Thor, Peter, and Harley got into a different car and followed behind us.

About an hour later, we arrived at a small deli in Queens that Peter had told us about. According to Peter and Harley, they serve what as been deemed the best sandwich in Queens and the owner is really nice.

We pulled to the side of the road and got out of our vehicles. Peter walked up to the doors and opened them for us, letting us go in first before himself.

"Sup, Mr. Delmar." Peter greeted the man behind the counter with a wide smile.

"Hey, Mr. Parker and Mr. Keener." The man responded. "Number five, right?"

"Yeah um, and, uh...with pickles, and can you smoosh it down real flat? Thanks." Peter responded.

"What about you Mr. Keener?"

"I'll have the same. No pickles." Harley replied.

"And what about your friends, boys?" Mr. Delmar asked.

"Oh, uhh this is Thor, Loki, and Y/n." Peter introduced.

"I'll have whatever Y/n is having." Loki stated.

"I'll have 2 of number 3." I responded.

"And I will have 4 of what Peter is having." Thor smiled.

"You got it, boss." The sandwich maker person spoke and got down to business.

Peter walked over to the cash register and placed a few packages of candy on the counter. Harley handed Mr. Delmar a 50 dollar bill. Mr. Delmar took the money and placed it in the cash register before handing Harley his change.

"Sup, Murf? How ya doin' buddy?" Peter walked over to a cat that was sat up on the counter and pet him. The cat mowed and bumped its head into Peter's hand.

"Here you go, Mr. Parker." Mr. Delmar handed Peter a bag with our sandwiches in it.

"Thank you, Mr. Delmar!" Peter exclaimed as he grabbed the bag and we walked out of the deli.

Peter handed each of us our sandwiches and sat down on a bench as did Thor, Loki, and I.

I unwrapped part of my sandwich and took a bite.

"Holy shit! This is amazing!" I shouted.

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