Chapter 11

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《Later That Night》

"Thor! Get back here!" I yelled down the hall and chased after him.

I turned the corner and crashed into Loki, dropping my dagger in the process.

"Darling, what did I tell you about running with daggers?" Loki teased and handed me my dagger back.

"Shut it. I'm not in the mood Loki."

"Ouch. The full name. What happened?"

"Thor took my food and now I'm hunting him. " I grumbled.

"Valid reason. Proceed." Loki moved out of the way and I stormed past him.


"LADY NATASHA HELP ME!" Thor shouted as he ran into the living room, jumping onto the couch and hiding behind a pillow.

"I would rather not." She replied.

"THOR!" I stormed into the room and lunged at him.

I didn't get very far however. An arm wrapped around my waist and a hand took the dagger from my hand.

"Okay. That's enough. I didn't think you were actually going to kill him." Loki spoke as he vanished the dagger and wrapped his other arm around my waist, holding me back.

"Let me go!" I grumbled.

"No. Calm down. Thor will buy you more food." Loki's voice was calming as he glared at Thor.

I calmed down and Loki loosened his grip. His arms were still around me, just not as tight.

"Both of you, say you're sorry." Natasha ordered.

"I'm sorry, Lady Y/n. I'll buy you more food." Thor stated.

I nodded and Loki let go of me. "Sorry I tried to kill you." I muttered.

"Apology accepted, Lady Y/n. Loki has done the same thing to me on multiple occasions."

I laughed and looked up to Loki. He gave me a guilty look and a grinned.

"Let's go get food!" I exclaimed.

"It's 12 am!" Thor responded.

"Your point?"

"Fine. But Loki is coming with us." Thor looked to Loki whose eyes widened.

"Why do I always get sucked into your plans?" Loki snarled.

"Because I'm your best friend and you'll do anything for me." I smirked and looked up to him.

Loki narrowed his eyes at me. "I'll come. But only because you scare me and I don't want to get stabbed."

"You didn't have an choice. You were coming whether you liked it or not. Natasha, do you want to come?"

"Sure! And by the way, you can call me Nat if you'd like."

I nodded and started towards the elevator. Thor, Nat, and Loki followed.

The doors dinged and opened. We stepped in and waited.

Once the doors reopened, we got out and walked through the lobby and out of the tower.

The moon was out and shining on the dimly lit street. Very little people where out this late so it was fairly empty.

"Where exactly are we going? It's midnight and nobody in their right mind is open this late." Loki asked as we walked.

"I know a place." Thor answered.

We walked for another few minutes before reaching a large grocery store. The doors slid open as we got to a close proximity. We walked in and Nat grabbed a shopping cart.

"Pick anything you'd like." Thor told me.

I walked through the aisles, throwing random items that peaked my interest into the cart.

"Y/n, why do you need a rope?" Loki asked.

"Nat put that in there, not me." I spoke.

"You never know when you might need a rope." Nat said innocently.

"Let me guess, you also put the bottle of Vodka and the duct tape in the cart as well?"

"Y/n put the Vodka in there and I put in the duct tape to tape Tony's mouth shut for once." Nat responded.

Loki nodded in response. Thor came running around the corner with his arms filled with boxes of Pop Tarts.

"Y/N! THEY HAVE SO MANY FLAVORS OF POP TARTS! LOOK!" His voice boomed as he threw all the boxes into the cart.

"Woah!" I exclaimed and dug through all the boxes.

"Are you guys done yet?" Loki whined.

"Quit whining, we're done." I informed.

We checked out and Thor paid for the items before walking out. Loki vanished the bags for us so that we didn't have to carry them.

"Lokiiii!" I called in a sing song tone.

"Y/n, no." He responded.

"Y/n, yes."

"I'm not giving you a piggy back ride." Loki told me.

"Yes you are!" I exclaimed and jumped on his back.

I wrapped my legs around his waist and my arms around his neck, laying my head on the back of his shoulder. His hands gripped my legs.

Loki looked to Nat. "This is your doing." He stated and stopped walking.

"How is it my doing?" Nat asked.

"Ever since she saw you riding on Barton's back the other day, she thinks that it's a given thing that, as her best friend, I must give her a piggy back ride everytime she is tired."

Nat laughed and resumed walking next to Thor. Loki followed behind, with me on his back.

"Y/n?" Loki asked. I hummed in response. "When's your birthday?"

"December 16." I lifted my head.

"You're serious?"

"Mhm." I hummed.

"Good to know. Mine is the day after."

"I know. Thor told me."

"Is there anything he hasn't told you about me?" Loki asked.

"Not really. He talks about you a lot." I responded.

I could see Loki's mouth form a slight smile. I mimicked his expression and readjusted my head on his shoulder.

"Y/n?" Loki asked again. He got no response this time. He looked back and found me asleep on his shoulder.

He smiled once again and caught up with Thor and Nat.

"Loki!" Thor's voice boomed.

"Shut up, you oaf! Y/n is asleep." Loki whisper yelled.

"Sorry!" Thor lowered his voice to a hushed tone.

Loki rolled his eyes and teleported back to the tower, leaving Thor and Nat outside.

Loki teleported into my room and sat me down on the bed. He used his magic to pull the blankets over top of me. He placed a kiss on my forehead before slipping out of my room and into his.

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