Chapter 28

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I slipped the dress on and smoothed it down before brushing out my hair and strapping on my heels.

I looked at myself in the mirror, deciding on what else to add to my outfit.

The dress was off the shoulder and a hunter green color. It had a slightly flowy bottom which cut off at my mid thigh. I had on shimmery gold, block heeled, sandals which strapped around my leg, just above my ankle.

I added a few pieces of jewelry which included a gold chained necklace with a emerald gemstone hanging from it which Loki had given me, as well as a few gold rings.

I added the finishing touches to my outfit before grabbing a few things from my desk and slipping out of my room.

I ran down the hallway quickly, well as quickly as I could in three inch heels without falling on my face, and made my way downstairs to the living room.

I set up Loki's birthday surprise in about twenty minutes and ran back upstairs, only falling down once may I add, and slipping a note under Loki's door before going back downstairs and waiting for him to come down.

I heard Loki's door click shut and his footsteps approach as a smile grew on my face.

He walked down the steps and his face lit up.

I had set up a whole little birthday shebang with some help from the team. There was a little breakfast buffet, presents laid out on the table, and a banner that read Happy Birthday Loki! in black and green letters.

"Happy birthday!" I exclaimed while sticking my arms out dramatically.

Loki laughed and walked up to me as I handed him a plate of food and gave him a quick peck on the lips.

"Thank you." He smiled and sat down across from me at the table.

We ate for a few before some of the team came down to give him his presents.

Thor was the first to give his brother his gift. He handed Loki a dark green gift bag which held a black sweatshirt with a green snake on it.

"Try it on, Brother!" Thor exclaimed.

Loki begrudgingly put on the sweatshirt over top of his t-shirt. He looked adorable in it. He looked up to me with a pouting 'please kill me' expression. I stifled a laugh and whispered to Jarvis to take a picture.

Nat was next up to hand Loki his present. She handed him a black, gift wrapped, box. Inside, was a small dagger which Loki took a liking to very quickly.

Everyone else on the team gave Loki a gift except for Tony, who blatantly ignored the topic of Loki's birthday and pretended as though today was just as every other.

Clint had got Loki a mug that said Glorious Purpose on it. Steve had gotten him a snow globe from a gift shop back in New York. And Bruce had given him a pair of socks and as well as a t-shirt that had Puny God written on it, making sure to note that the t-shirt was from Hulk and that Bruce had no say whatsoever in the gift. I was waiting until later to give Loki his gift from me.

We then ate cake and chatted until the team went and did their own thing.


"You should wear my color more often. It suits you." Loki smirked and pulled me closer to him, resting his hands on my hips.

I blushed slightly and stared admiringly into his green eyes before leaning up and placing a soft kiss on his lips. He kissed back and placed his hand on my face, cupping my cheek.

I pulled away and took his hand.

"Come on, I wanna give you your presents." I smiled and turned away, pulling him by the hand.

Loki stood his ground and pulled me back to him, my body crashing into his as he placed another kiss on my lips, this one being more passionate and loving.

I smiled into the kiss before pulling away.

"I wasn't done yet." He pouted.

I laughed and pulled him by his hand, out of the cabin, and into the snow covered trees.

We stopped about half way through the forest and stopped at the gazebo which Loki had taken me to yesterday.

I pushed him onto a bench and forced him to sit down before I gave him his gifts.

First, I handed him a small gift bag which held a mini figure of himself in his gold helmet and had a little dagger in its hand.

He laughed and admired the small toy before placing it down on the bench beside him.

The next thing I gave him was a box which held a new dress shirt, since he seems to like his black one so much. It was what he dubbed to be his green color and had a black tie that came along with it.

The last thing I gave him was a dagger. It had a black hilt with gold accents and a emerald gemstone at the base of the hilt. It had Loki's name smally engraved at the base of the blade.

He unsheathed the blade to admire it for a second before resheathing it and placing it next to his other gifts.

"I hope you like it. I know Nat already got you a dagger but I-" I started but I was cut off by Loki's lips crashing into mine.

"I love it." Loki stated with a smirk as our lips parted.

I smiled back before taking his hand and pulling him up off the bench, dragging him over to the edge of the frozen lake.

I sat down in the snow covered grass next to Loki, resting my head on his shoulder as it started to snow.

After a few minutes, Loki snaked his hand in mine and stood up. The snow was coming down much harder now, and it was getting hard to see in front of us.

"Come on, let's go back to the cabin." Loki suggested and pulled me up off the ground.

I nodded and squeezed his hand gently as we walked back to the cabin in the thick snow which blanketed the ground.

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