Chapter 31

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Christmas Eve

The past few days went by pretty quickly, nothing really happened. I've been staying in Loki's room most nights, seeing as though he is afraid of me having another nightmare and him not being there to comfort me if I do have one. Not that I'm complaining, I enjoy cuddling with him.

Tony has avoided both Loki and I for the past few days. Nat informed him on his drunk assholiness and he hasn't spoke to us since. Maybe that will change tonight though. Tony told everyone to come downstairs around 9 pm for a surprise.


I could feel the blood rushing to my head as I hung upside-down off the side of Loki's bed, waiting for him to get out of the shower so we can go downstairs.

I heard the water turn off and a few seconds later the bathroom door opened. Loki walked out with only a towel wrapped around his bottom half. He took a smaller towel and dried his dripping wet hair as much as he could as his toned and fit body was on display for me to see.

"You're staring, Darling." He smirked.

"I'm admiring." I retorted.

He walked over and bent down a little to reach my face, giving me a quick kiss while I was upside-down.

I smiled as our lips parted and he walked into his closet. He came back a few minutes later in only a pair of black sweatpants and socks, his dark green t-shirt shirt draped over his shoulder.

I whistled at him, earning a blush and laugh from the God of Mischief.

He pulled on his shirt and I sat up, a little to quickly may I add, seeing as though I got light headed and lost my balance for a second.

"Ready?" I asked him, quickly regaining my balance.

He nodded and took my hand, pulling me to my feet before walking out of his room, hand in hand.

"HO HO HO MERRY CHRISTMAS MY CHILDREN!!" Clint yelled in a deepened voice as we walked into the living room.

He had pillows stuffed underneath a red Santa suit. He had on black leather boots, white gloves, a Santa hat, and had a red sack thrown over his shoulder.

I laughed as Loki and I made our way over to the couches.

"HO HO HO! MERRY CHRISTMAS!" Thor yelled as he walked into the living room, also wearing a Santa suit.

The team's eyes darted between Clint and Thor as we watched.

"Where is only room for one Santa around these here parts." Clint spoke.

"Then we shall find out the superior Santa is with a duel!" Thor announced.

The team cheered, enjoying the show.

"Any last words, Barton?" Thor asked.

"Yippee Ki-Yay mother fucker." Clint smiled maniacally as he lunged, plunging a "knife" into Thor's abdomen.

Thor dramatically fell to the ground, pretending to be dead. Clint came over and placed one of his feet on Thor's chest while raising his arms and cheering.

The Loki and I clapped and hollered as he took a victory bow. Loki cheered more than me, however, joking on how he's been trying to do that to Thor for years. Nat booed at Clint and Steve shook his head in disprovement.


"You're supposed to be on my side!" Clint yelled back.

"Not this time bird brain!"

Clint rolled his eyes as Nat smirked.

"Y/n I appoint you as my elf." Clint informed.

"No, that's Tiny's...I mean Tony's job." I responded.

"Where is Tony anyway?" Steve asked Bruce.

"Yeah, he's the one who called us all down here and told us to not be late or he would kick our asses." Nat laughed at the thought of Tony trying to kick all of our asses.

Faint music could be heard off in the distance, getting louder each second. Back in Black played full blast from the speakers as Tony walked in.

"Everyone take a seat! Our Christmas Eve movie marathon is about to begin!" Tony announced as the music turned off.

We all did as we were told and sat down on the couches. Loki pulled me onto his lap and I rested my head on his shoulder.

Tony and Clint stood at the front of the room and waited for the murmuring to come to a halt.

I waited a few minutes, seeing as though nobody was going to shut their pieholes anytime soon, I yelled. "Everyone shut up!" The room went silent.

Tony nodded to me, silently thanking me.

"I would first off like to apologize to Loki and Y/n." Tony started and looked to Loki and I, whose eyes widened. "I'm sorry for the other night at dinner. I was drunk and I'm was an asshole."

"Am an asshole." Nat interrupted.

Tony grumbled and corrected his mistake. "I am asshole." He paused before continuing. "I'll just give you these before Nat burns a hole in my head with her glaring."

He handed both Loki and I a gift bag before sitting down on the couch beside Bruce.

We opened the bags and each found a set of car keys.

I looked up to him with an inquiring look.

"Congrats! You're the new owners of two of those cars outside. Go take your pick and I'll give you the correct key." Tony informed.

Mine and Loki's faces lit up as we ran out the front door. I picked the jet black McLaren 720S, the car we had driven to the cabin as my own. Loki had chosen the white Audi R8 V10 Quattro, the car Tony and Bruce had driven.

Tony came out a few minutes later and handed us the correct keys.

I took the keys from his hand and got into my car as Loki did the same.

"See ya later, Tones!" I smirked as I placed the key in the ignition and told Jarvis to drive off full speed.

Loki followed closely behind, only partially relying on Jarvis.

We spent the rest of the night speeding on the snow covered roads and racing to see who could beat who back to the cabin.

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