Part 9

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Greta was arrogant and didn't notice anything a miss believing she is ahead of Klaus and her enemies. But in reality, she is just getting played as she was with fake Hope and Hailey who were both tied up with chains as Klaus and Alex arrived at the location.

Klaus let out growl  remembering if not for the boy it would have been her daughter and Hailey unconsciously grabbed Hailey and Hope's hands which surprised Hailey who looked at Klaus she alway

Elijah and Antoinette were there although both didn't show it on their face they were unhappy about the whole thing as Greta had told a whole fake story about how Klaus I after Roman and Her because Hope and Roman were in love.

Elijah glaring at the screen said, "She really thinks she fooled everyone."

Greta was not surprised at the fact Klaus found them as she smirked and said"What Klaus Mikelson came here with just boy as his backup."

Klaus chuckled and whispered, "Ohh Greta that boy is the greatest threat out of all of us."

Greta sneered and said, "The great Klaus Mikaelson is here to witness the death of both his daughter and Hailey Marshall."Antoinette questioned, "But you said to Roman they are just bound her werewolf side."

Kol with a scowl commented, "So like we thought she is not going to bound Hope's werewolf side instead is trying to kill her."

Greta scowled and replied"Klaus Mikaelson was bound, but found a way to break it. There are always loopholes. And we cannot afford any more hybrids."Greta didn't notice the fact Elijah clenching his fist in anger.

Alex answered "Don't you see it was never about binding werewolf side she wanted werewolves and hybrids extinct and vampires to rise to their "rightful place" as the apex predators. Hope is a tribrid she is a threat an Apex predator and someone who can unite the three factions. Which is something you can't allow right, Greta?"While this was happening Klaus was waiting for a call from Marcel who has gone with some of the vampires to clear all of Greta's followers.

Klaus sighed and said, "Augustus really managed to brainwash her to such an extent." Hope added, "She is like one of Hitler's followers.She is talking about how her race is stronger and better."Everyone agreed as this was too similar to Aryan philosophy spoken by Hitler.

Greta didn't say anything as even Roman was questioning some of her decisions as she spoke"You can't keep stalling you daughter is going to die whether you like it or not."Klaus questioned, "What makes you think you can escape from me after you kill my daughter?"

Greta just gestured towards Elijah and said"Your brother will make sure I can escape and even if I did die my people will follow my will." Greta was unnerved as she saw Klaus had no reaction as Klaus looked at Alex and said"Kid just show her everything she planned is for nothing."Alex nodded with a smirk as he used a summoning charm to get both enchanted rings from fake Hailey and Hope who had returned to their true form.

Greta who was shocked seeing this as Alex did not stop as his hands glowed green and telekinetically snapped all the vampire's necks present there as Greta was shocked giving time for both Elijah to pin her down as Antoinette pinned down Roman.

Greta didn't know what was happening but one thing she did know was she had been fooled. Greta gritted her teeth and said, "You think you won my people will follow my plans."

Elijah smirked"She really is too full if herself."Elijah knew if by chance she really had him on her side and her plan to kill Hope and Hailey was successful.Klaus will hunt her and her minions to the end of the earth,also he knew Freya would sooner or later find away to get his memories back which means he would also come after her in fury.

Klaus and Alex laughed hearing this as right then Klaus got a call from Marcel telling them the job was done as Klaus smirked and said"The call just now from Marcel who had already finished for your little army."Greta looked at Klaus in disbelief as Klaus for the fun of it started to name many of the zealots. Even asked Marcel to send some of their pictures. This caused Greta to mentally break down as she was outplayed and her whole life's work was destroyed in day's time.

As Klaus with a scowl said, "Now let's get rid of you."Alex decided to cut it"May I give a suggestion."Klaus was curious as he asked, "What is it?"

Alex grinned and replied, "I can make her life more miserable."Klaus was interested as he gestured to 'go ahead'

The Mikaelson's were interested in what the kid planed to do with Greta.

Alex smirked as he spoke, "Hear this Greta you will age like mortal losing your strength, speed everything with each passing day, you will feel pain some much that you want to die but you cannot until the time come where you age and wither away and if ever try to contact any supernatural you will just age faster."As a green wisp surrounded Greta who felt all her strength was leaving her as she yelled in anger "What did you do to me?"

Alex with a smirk replied, "Nothing just made you a mortal and I am sure you know English as you have already heard what I said right."

While Klaus smirked and made Greta forget the curse and let her escape. while Greta thought Klaus had turned her back to human somehow first thing she did was contact one of the vampire friends who gave her their blood instead of transforming into a Vampire she felt her strength drain and body ache she had also noticed she was aging quickly in desperation she contacted a witch to check all this only caused her age faster also she was feeling pain beyond anything she felt all her life and she was now looking like 80-year-old women in just a week the pain was unbearable for her she tried to commit suicide but she was unable to do it her life was practically hell.

Kol with slight fear said"Remind me not to anger the kid."Hope was shocked to see how with just couple sentences Alex cursed the women to hell.Damon gulped he was now scared of the boy a part of him now feared for his counterpart.Klaus himself felt fear as he guessed the kid could have easily turned him to normal human.

While Hope was wearing a pink top with v neck and Black sports leggings Alex was dazed but snapped out of it this didn't go unnoticed by Hope who was happy with the reaction both of them continued with their practice both physical and magical. Hope was really happy as she really progressed a lot and even learned couple of new important spells as she questioned"Alex I heard during our training you speak about some spells called Killing Curse and Torture Curse."

Hope grinned noticing Alex's dazed look,also she was really looking forward to find him in their world.Hope knew those spells would be really helpful in self defence as Mikaelson she knew their were many enemies out their waiting for them.

Alex gave a nod "Like the Harry Potter spell when cast successfully on a living person or creature, the killing curse causes instantaneous and painless death, without causing any injury to the body."Alex did try out this spell on of Greta's followers to see the effect and the vampire was forcefully desiccated.(I don't know what kind of effect I should give so sorry)

Hope raised an eyebrow as she asked"and Crustitus curse is the same I guess."Alex nodded and replied"It's more painful than aneuryms as the victim practically feels as if one thousand white-hot knives, boring into their skin.If cast continuously even a Vampires brain will turn to mush."Hope winced hearing that although Alex taught her the torture curse spells but decided not to teach her the killing curse for now.

Alaric frowned and said"That is considered Dark magic."
Watcher was amused and said"Magic is neutral their is no light nor dark,its just people labeling things they don't know."Alaric scowled as Watcher knew the idiot didn't agree with it as he added"You know for a fact Bonnie bennet over here used Expression even after knowing the fact it had every disastrous side effects."
Alaric shut up as he knew the fact the truth about their past came up he would lose the respect he had from his daughters or students.

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