part four

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I momentarily forgot that my dad wasn't home, I guess I had gotten used to the occasional screaming and yelling
Anyways I get up from my bed walk to my bathroom and do my morning routine I see the bags on my face and sigh, would have covered it up with concealer but I don't own any
I brush it off and change into my school uniform and my black thick stocking cause it was chilly out and wore my black Mary Jane shoes

I grab my phone just in time to hear mom yell my name " lotus"
I shake my head remembering what happened yesterday when introducing my self In literature.
"I'm coming mom' I yell back,  I grab my backpack and walk downstairs
" morning mom" I say watching her sip her coffee, she comes to my side to readjust the glasses on my face and reties my pony tail
"Morning baby" she pauses " did you sleep well"
I grab an apple 🍎 and reply " yes mom I did, how about you "
She sighs and looks at me " those eye bags tell a different story "
I look at her silently pleading with her to drop it and she does
" so when is dad coming back " I said watching her grab her purse
She looks up and says " in a month " I see the mirth dancing in her eyes, she's happy and I like that, I laugh softly and nod, she stretches her hand giving me a hundred dollars
I look at her asking her what the money was for  and she says it's for lunch, I silently nod as we walk out of the house

I connect my phone to the AUX cord and blast enemy fire by bea miller on the way to school
The feeling of dread flutters its self in my tummy
I see the familiar gates and parking lot and I huff before scrambling my way down
I close the door and bid my mother good bye I watch as she leaves the gates ,I turn to walk back into the school I stopped when I heard a rev of a car I turned around when I saw a black pagani zonda fedemujuto parking I couldn't help my ogle  the car it was slick and expensive just when I thought the show was over the guy from my contemporary English class walked wearing dark shades and had a  black leather jacket thrown over his shoulders
He looked god-like I was snapped out of my day dream when I heard the Burnette scream his name
"Ivan, baby " even his name was dreamy
"Analise " he greeted back, I turned my back on them when I saw analise sucking his face
I mentally cringed" eww"   I made my way down the hall and opened my locker stuffing my things in it, I noticed how everyone made way for Analise and Ivan when walking and being the whimp I am remained glued infront of my locker , I saw girls straightening their already perfect looks just to catch Ivan eyes
I sighed in relief seeing that they were at their locker which was unfortunately opposite mine, I mentally groaned and gave myself a mini pep talk  before turning around

My eyes flicked to them and saw Analise burying her face in his chest
" awful PDA" I muttered, I looked up and met his eyes staring at me
I shuddered in fear before turning round and walking to class.

I walked into my history class waving at my teacher he seems nice, he gave me a nod and a smile before I sat down, after 2 minutes students started filling in and I found the seat next to mine occupied, I felt sad because all I wanted to do was be alone
After 20 minutes the teacher left us to attend to an emergency
I lay my head on my table for a few minutes until I was nudged , I thought if I didn't acknowledge the person would leave me alone
" Hey " I  heard someone whisper, I looked up and  saw my seat mate looking ate
" umm Hi " I raised a brow in skepticism and he answered me with a genuine smile
" I'm malvolio" he looked at me probably waiting for me to introduce myself
" I'm Lotus "  he looked surprised and then said
"You're the new girl huh" I just nodded quietly and by some miracle the conversation between us just flowed
It was calm and fun,
Malvolio had get black curls with baby blue eyes that looked like crystals and a dimple, he was that calm yet crazy bad boy that everyone liked and it turns out that we had every class together and even had lunch together in the library
After the last class of the day I walked back to my locker putting my books into bag
My phone dinged and I saw mom had texted

Mom 👩 ❤  baby I won't be picking you from school today, stuck at work again😑
I sighed seeing the text from my mother before replying
Me - no problemo  I'll just take a cab home . Bye mom
Mom 👩 ❤  okay sweetie 😘 💕 bye 👋 😘.
I chuckled when I saw my mother's excessive use of emoji
I almost jumped out of my skin when a hand wrapped around my torso
I turned and saw malvolio grinning like a cherise cat  " who Is making my baby smile except me ' he pouted
I mean I've only known this guy for 5 hours and he's a goof ball
Thankfully he loosens his grip and I said " it was my mom dumbo"
He smiles and snatches my phone from me raising it high cause he's tall I stretched to reached after struggling I huffed and crossed my arms like a child and waited for him to give me back my phone

He looks please as he returns my phone to me " nosy" I mumble, "I heard that".
I grabbed my bag 🎒 and was about to say goodbye when he cut me off " comeon I'll take you home"
My eyes widened I didn't want anyone to think me as a charity case I was about to decline when carried me princess style outside
We got stares from student, I buried my face in his neck embarrassed.
We reached the parking lot and he set me down, I playfully smacked him on the chest
He feigned hurt" that hurt Lotus " I just glared at him
He laced his hands with mine and walked to his Mclaren
My eyes raked his red sports car, he stood at my back and whispered in my ear "let's go" I playfully shoved him
I was sure I was beet red from all the blushing he laughed and went to the drivers seat as I was about to open the door and walk in
It sprung open and malvolio laughed as he saw me startled,

I smiled and was about to walk in when I caught a glimpse of Ivan vikor glaring daggers at me
I gulped nervously and scurried into the car.

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