Thirty - one

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  I was pretty sure, one of us was going to die and it would be me, he had completely ripped out the door from its hinges. "Tsk look what you made me do " he had a sick grin on his face as he stalked closer to me like a tiger stalking it's prey, I was beyond terrified, I was trembling with fear, I was petrified and my body screamed of pain from his previous hits but I wasn't going to let him have his way. I moved and jumped over the bed trying to run but he grabbed a fistful of my hair and tugged it back so harshly that I crashed on the hinges of the broken door, due to impact a rusty nail had embedded itself in the sole of my feet, It went in so deep, I could feel it touch my bones.

He continued to pull my hair before slamming it harshly on the wood underneath me, I felt blood seep from my scalp to my face and the colour of my hair turning crimson, I understood his intentions of making Me loose consciousness before having me till his heart content but i needed to fight for the only thing I had that I prided my self over, I clawed his hands on my throat, his large hands were blocking my Airholes, my lungs were burning without the lack of air, I was loosing a lot of blood from different parts of my body. I Stretched my hands to find a weapon, I found a piece of a broken shard of glass, I picked it up and rammed in his shoulder as hard as I could, he groaned and I struggled to pushing him off me, i felt the world go in slow motion when he slapped me so hard, I thought my head was going to fall of my body, he continued slap after slap after slap until I couldn't feel my face any longer, my lips had been busted and split, my vision was blurry, I could barely make him out, he slapped every will I had to fight right out of me. I blinked rapidly when I saw him taking off his trousers with a sadistic grin, I wasn't going to let him win, I picked up my violin and smashed his head with it, he fell to the floor momentarily, I took this as a cue to run, but the nail was still embedded in my feet, I slowly pulled it out before I hastily began to leap downstairs. My one good leg couldn't support the weight,so It gave out and I tumbled down two flights of stairs, I could feel the wood digging into my back as it came in contact with the last steps.

I began to crawl with all the power and might I had just to get to the door, my blood had stained the whole house and especially the floors, I was beginning to feel light headed from blood loss but I was going to give up, I crawled faster when I heard his footsteps. Just a little more and I would be there, I released a cry of agony when I felt something tear my skin but I weakly began to crawl again until he whipped me on with  my violin bow string, I could feel it cut deep on my back and blood began to seep through, my whole was doused and soaked in my blood. He kicked me in my stomach making me cough out blood immediately, he took advantage of my weakened state to tie my hands behind my back. He whipped my shoulders with the bowstring creating another tear in my skin.

He wrapped his hands around my neck, I was slipping out of consciousness, my eyes snapped open when he tried to push himself inside me, he was not getting  what he came for. He had officially come  disflowered me, to take away the one thing I thought I had for myself away, I laid there lifelessly while he continued to desolate my every being  with his fists without care, I felt the blood drip from my thighs when he cut me with the bowstring and every part of my body, yet I didn't loose consciousness while he played with my body as if I was his personal toy while I struggled underneath him, he caressed my cheek, wiping the tears that spilled from my face "This would be easier if you didn't fight so much now when we start you have to be a good girl and not shout " , I was such a fool for ever thinking that he was being nice to me. He slapped me once again "You're not going to speak lotus" he hit Me once again "have you finally gone mute" he slapped me over and over again but I didn't say anything, I just let my head get whipped side to side as long as he was not able to defile me I was fine.

To think I was numb before was and understatement, now I couldn't feel a thing,  pain had finally enamoured my very existence, I could hear the distant sound of police sirens but they were too late, no one could save me now, I wanted to die. I heard devan cuss before dressing up in his bloody clothes and dashing out of the house, letting whosoever find me in a pool of my own crimson colored blood

I could hear the sound of the front door breaking open, they were too late to help me now, I was torn apart from inside out, my once snowlike hair had been soaked in blood that was still pouting out from my body, my clothes were ripped and tattered, my entire body had been doused with a cool cold water of pain on my body, I heard the door burst open, "lotus, where are you ?" It was Ivan who found me first, I didn't want him to see Me like this, so exposed and bare.

I heard him shout she's in here to someone before he rushed to meet me , he knelt down in the puddle of my own blood, not caring about his thousand dollar clothes, I reached for his fingers with my bloody hands, trying to signify I was still alive.
He covered me with his jacket before carrying me bridal style, my blood was Dripping all the way to the ambulance, I  saw him struggle with the paramedics to let him in the ambulance before I lost the fight to consciousness.


I don't know who you are nor what you've been through but to whom it may concern



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