part six

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Malvolio and I had to go our separate ways, he took drama class while, i had music
Quietly making my way to the classroom I put my head down to avoid confrontation and made my way hastily to the class

Opening the door I am Met with the same eyes I left at the parking lot staring at me once again
He was lightly tracing his fingers on the keys of the piano before I entered

I smiled politely and nodded my head as a form of greeting. He glanced my way before focusing back on the piano, I walked over to my assigned seat and was about to sit when I heard a deep and alluring voice from behind
" What are you" I turned around at the sound of his voice
"Uhhmm.. A human" I realised I sounded dumb for what I just said but I didn't understand what he meant by what am I
With a roll of his eyes he answered " I know , I meant who are you "
" ohhh" why couldn't he just have said it that way
" I'm Lotus Ackerman " he looked at me from head to toe
" ive never heard of you before '
" uhmm I'm the scholarship student "
He opened his mouth to say something but was cut off when the teacher entered and other students scrambling to get in the class

The music teacher was good looking, he had a tattoo peeking out of his button down white shirt paired with tan brown slacks , brown shaggy hair curled at the tip with a silver necklace
He was drool worthy not Ivan drool worthy but in his own way

" Hello everyone" he started
" well we have a new student in our midst " I immediately tensed at his words
I knew I was going to introduce my self In music class I just didn't know that my teacher would be hot
" if she would do us the honour of introducing herself we can get started. "

I awkwardly stood up from my hair and walked over to the podium in the centre of the class where he was.
I took his outstretched hand as he helped me up the podium steps
I blushed when our fingers intertwined together
My fingers small against his calloused finger
" Hi everyone, umm I'm Lotus Ackerman " I smiled and gave a small wave.
I immediately locked eyes with Ivan once again he was staring at my interlocked fingers with the teacher and I quickly separated our hands and cast my gaze down
' Lotus " I looked at my teacher who said my name
" you have a peculiar name " he said
" well my name is ceaser and welcome to 1st period music class " I smiled at him and mentally thanked God for a teacher that didn't hate me for once
" lotus ?" He called my name
" yes mister ceaser "
" What instrument do you play"
" I play the violin sir "

He nodded and brought out a violin and asked me to play any piece I wanted.
I nervously took the bow string and violin before placing it underneath my chin and and neck, I decided to play brahms violin sonata no3
I let my fingers play the solemn yet intense piece letting the music crescendo, gliding my bow as I played

Mom always told me that when I played I poured my heart and soul in it
When I finished playing and opened my eyes, the sound of applause waded into my ears
I looked at ceaser and he grabbed my fingers and placed light kisses on my knuckles
" that was beautiful Mon ami"
"Simply breath taking"
I blushed crimson and squirmed shyly under his gaze
He kissed the pads of my fingers and once again complimented me, I blushed red before he ushered me back to my seat but not before making eye contact with angry Hazel eyes.

The bell ringing signalled the end of first period and I was disappointed because music class was over I really liked the class and the very hot music teacher
I waved goodbye to ceaser and was walking out of class when someone grabbed me and pulled me into a closet

And I was staring into a pair angry citrine eyes.

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