Forty five.

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Dedicated to 🥰yirangg

"Do you know where Ivan might be " I asked Amartya. The lady had been cautious yet kind since Ivan left the room.
"Yes he's in his study "
"Can you take me to him please." She looked hesitant at first but with the pleading look I gave no choice
"This way" I took in the view of his humble abode, dark shades around the house, just as mysterious as he is.
"All i ask please is don't fight with him, he has enough to deal with already don't add to it." I nodded, even though I knew that I was still going to pick a fight with him somehow. She opened the door and I walked in

He was wearing only sweatpants and a tee with his wet dry hair and his eyes clad with his glasses

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He was wearing only sweatpants and a tee with his wet dry hair and his eyes clad with his glasses. Amartya closed the door as she left, obviously sensing the tense atmosphere.
I had been standing at the door for a minute "aren't you going to say something " the silence was killing me, although I had used the time to immerse my self in his looks, he never once glanced at me since I entered, his head was stuck in a document
"Is that important more than me " I asked
"Yes" he answered without even looking up. Although Amartya said I shouldn't fight with him, I needed to so he'd talk to me
"Don't you just have to sit down and enjoy daddy's trustfund money." His hand stopped writing for a moment, and when he looked up his eyes were full of rage and I gulped, I was truly scared. I struck a nerve with my stupid words.
He let out a dry laugh "you really are fucking clueless aren't you."
"I am sorry....."
"Save it " His voice was icy and venomous
"It's just that the only way you'd talk to me is if I talk like this."
"And I suppose in your world, it's somehow my fault isn't?"
"I...I.. "
"You know don't answer that, just leave for the love of God just go "
"Why so you can suck faces with your sweet cousin.'
He ran his hands through his hair, frustrated with me and thus this conversation, I was supposed to be apologising to him but somehow I was just making it worse.
"I don't want to talk to you '
"Why "
"Because you throw a tantrum everytime we meet, you don't respect anyone's wishes, you're ungratefully unapologetic and bratty do I need anymore reasons." He looked at me dead in the eyes as he said those words, our tense moment when I saw his phone flashing with Claudia's picture. He picked it up and put in on speaker without breaking eye contact
"Cous, you said you'll send the documents ASAP"
"Yeah, I needed to take care of something, I'll send it in a minute."
"Okay byeee" he ended the call and I felt so stupid, all this time he never lied about Claudia
"You know what lotus, you want to hear me talk, here it goes. I'm tired, exasperated and exhausted honestly, you are childish and bratty, when I moved here, I never wanted to cross your path, you know why? Because you'll end up doing the same thing you did all those years ago, toy with my feelings for entertainment. Don't you get tired huh, cause frankly I am, if truly I'm a bane in your life as you say, you'd give me peace of you walking away from my life." He looked at my glossed eyes before facing the papers he was intently staring at before I distracted him

"So you're saying that I'm a problem."
"If that's what you believe lotus, if that's how you feel like seeing" my mouth was agape , this wasn't the Ivan I knew, he never was this cold
"This isn't you Ivan... I know that " I whispered in a small voice that he could hear
"Really, and how would you know who I am if you never even cared to know me" its true, Ivan listened while I spoke, never had I asked to know about him, nor had I showed interest at all.
"You don't know anything about me either"
He leaned back in his chair and raised his face to the ceiling "I know that you love philosophy, I know your middle name is Amara, I know you feel kinship with the sun, I know you smell like apples, I know you love visual Art, I know your favourite colour is Aquamarine, I know you play the violin and piano and I know you like large sweaters cause they feel like large hugs on your skin." He looked at my shocked face and said "have I missed anything?"
He absolutely did not miss anything, everything he said was accurate.

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