Twenty five

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I could hear a soft beep, I could hear voices. I could tell the difference between those voices
One was melancholic, filled with wisdom and power, it was tender yet intimidating.
The other was high pitched and aggravating, it was once the voice that brought my solace now it was just a wailing siren call calling me back from the depths of the underworld.
I tried opening my once light eyelids but they felt as though they were Rocks. I felt like I used all my strength in my futile attempt to open them, so when the keeper of the underworld asked for my consciousness, I tiredly gave to him with no qualms.

I slipped in and out of consciousness for many days atleast so I thought
I heard so many voices, some I could place but others I couldn't.
A lot of them had caressed my cheek and held hand fondly
I knew not who they were, I doubted if I knew so many a great people.
I knew only a few, yet many held my hands, maybe I was finally loosing my sanity
On the sixth day of my dance with death, I could hear the door open, I caught a whiff of the woodsy nicotine scent that I had gotta accustomed to, I could hear his breathing maybe it was mine I had no idea. I was aware of my surroundings but couldn't open my eyes.

I felt the bed dip beside me, I tried to fight for my consciousness when I heard him speak but in the end darkness won. The next day I heard my strength return, I forced my eyelids apart but shut them quickly, the light was blinding.
I opened them slowly, letting my corneas adjust to the light.
I could hear  someone speak beside me but I couldn't comprehend a thing, I saw the doctor and nurse rush in they were speaking but all I heard was a loud ringing
I heard my name being called before I lost consciousness once again.

I heard someone speaking to me, I made the voice out to be keiran. I could hear the sadness weighing in his words, did I really have an effect on someone or my mind had started playing tricks on me
"Whitehead if you die, I don't know what I'd do" I forced my eyelids apart
Thank God the light wasn't as blinding as yesterday. I turned my head to see keirans eyes closed while his head was on the bed
My throat was dry and scratchy, I knew it would be futile and a waste of time To speak, I wouldn't be able to form words. I weakly poked his dimple piercing with my fingers. He snapped his eyes open and I gave a small weak smile and waved

He stood up immediately and crushed me in hug "Lulu " I tapped him a bit so he'd know that he was crushing me with his hug
He moved away "I'm sorry lulu" I nodded He pressed the button beside me alerting the nurse that I needed them. He brought a glass of water to my lips. I sighed in relief when the cool water went down my throat
"Another " keiran asked, I nodded once again
He poured another glass of water, as I brought the glass to my lips, the doctor came in. He did the necessary check ups while I just lay there doing nothing while he did his job.
"Do you remember what happened ms lotus "
I tried remembering what happened but my began to hurt , my eyes welled with tears and my head spun with pain. I groaned out a no
He nodded and scribbled something on his pad
"Well lotus you're better now, just a minor head concussion and also a minor memory loss, we'll keep you for further observation,  press the button of you need anything, good day" he smiled at me before leaving

I was alone with keiran
"Whitehead " he took slow steps to me, It was as if he would scare me away
"Keiran " my throat stung as I uttered my first words in weeks
"How long was I out " I wasn't sure how long I was unconscious, time was slower when you are one step into the land of the dead.
"Almost two weeks " I gasped softly, what I thought was six days was almost two weeks
"I'm sorry " my eyes snapped to him, why was He apologising
"For what keiran ?" I tilted my head
"I forced you to go to that party, I shouldn't have..."
"It's no problem keiran, I had fun" I didn't lie, I really had fun, I went out on a Saturday like a normal teenager, I wasn't crying nor burying my head in thick covered text books
I was out there, even though I almost died, I had fun.
I couldn't remember what happened, all I remembered was me at the leaving the party.
"What happened to me keiran"
" I don't know, we moved the party to the woods by the lake , we heard someone scream and we all rushed to the lake, you were bloody and barely alive when we found you, I'm sorry, I left you " I clutched my head as the memories forced them selves back in my brain.
My chest was heaving up and down, my breathing was labored as I got flashes. I could see the blood, I could feel the hands on my back pushing me, I felt my self coughing up blood and water, I saw Myself banging on death's door, I could see the black obsidian eyes watching me as I drowned.

I was having a panic attack, right in front of keiran, I was writhing in pain, my throat was closing up,my lungs ached and burned
Everything felt as if it was happening in slow motion.
I heard keirans voice, I saw the doctors and nurses rush in and tried to stabilise me
I saw them push keiran out before I blacked out.

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