forty two.

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I sat there for the longest of time, mind and body in a daze, i still couldn't believe that he was here, after three years of coming up with scenarios in my head, nothing compared to seeing him face to face. Nothing hurt more than his silence, I picked up my phone and texted the boys
Me _ Ivan is here
Mal 😇_ where
Keiran 🖤_ are you sure you're not hallucinating whitehead. Always trust keiran to say something foolish
Me - the cafe, and no salvatore I'm not hallucinating
Mal 😇- so what did you say
Me _ what could I have said Mal. Obviously nothing
Keiran🖤- can we talk about this later, I'm in class
Mal😇- yeah lulu,  we'll meet up later
Me - yeah OK 👍.

I absentmindedly drank my coffee, I had suddenly lost my appetite. My head continued to spiral with so many a great thoughts, thoughts that I hadn't sorted out
Did he still hate me
Of course he gave me the cold shoulder
Who was the girl
Was I that easy to replace
But honestly who was I to question Ivan.
But honestly who was he to ignore him
He can't walk away
He just can't

My phone dinged, alerting me of my class starting in a few minutes. I packed up my things and begun my walk to my mythology class.

The boy who flew too close to the sun.  Was written on the board when I walked in. I took my seat awaiting my peers and professor.  In a couple more minutes, everyone began filling in
"Good day class, welcome to mythology once again " the professor was a lanky man, he reminded me of my aunt, like the male version of her.
" we all know the story of the boy, who flew too close to the sun. We've all heard this story quite a number of times, we tell it as a tale of boundaries, limitations, we tell it as a tale to reprimand the high dreamers. Different versions of the story but today I would like to hear from you youngsters your take on the the boy who flew close to the sun" the professor said
"Well professor I think icarus was in out of his mind, he knew what would cost him if he flew to close to the sun and if he flew too close to the ground. He could as well just have been happy that he was given the ability to soar"  celestia the smartest girl in this class said, if I was honest I agreed with her. Icarus was tempting fate
"You would rather him live the rest of his life like a chicken, only allowed to live the coop, released only to stretch his wings only when needed, what was the point of having wings if you would still be limited" I stiffened at the sound of his voice, the same soft yet domineering voice that belongs to Ivan. I think the whole class turned to Ivan seated at the back, my face turned red from blushing while celestia face was red with anger, she hated being challenged. I continued to look at, trapped in the cell that only he had the key too.

"He could fly higher than a chicken, couldn't he. He should just have accepted the boundaries set by nature"
"There was no difference between icarus and a chicken. The were both bounded by nature as you say. Wings symbolised freedom and sovereignty but each day when he spread those candle wax, he was reminded that he wasn't free as he thought."
Celestia squinted her, I think the whole class was at a standstill.
"So wise one, why do you think he tempted fate "
" simple, to be free from limitations "
"Oh really. " celestia snorted and faced the professor "icarus to me is an attention seeker and should have accepted the boundaries set "
" yes but he had bigger dreams "
"Dreams like what" celestia gritted out
"Dreams of becoming a legend" Ivan said calmly
"What on earth do you mean"
"With the hundreds of tale man has told. Icarus's story has been told for generations, because if he had accepted those boundaries like you advised he did, his story would have been forgotten ages ago "
"No one cares about the boy who had candle wax wings and stayed in the range of boundaries. He became the first rebel, the first person to defy the laws of gravity even though his story ended tragically, it was told more than the gods in olympus. Even though he was burnt in Apollo's ire and plummeted into poseiedon domain. His story surpassed olympus ."
"So you're saying he was an attention seeking masochist"
"Maybe he was, maybe he wasn't. We'll never know if he enjoyed dying or if he regretted it. It is all in the way we look at things"
"He laughed as he fell, he bared his teeth to the world as an act of defiance. We can choose how we want to live or in this case die. " The whole class was quiet even the professor
"What if his father deadalus, had chosen to stop him " celestia asked
He closed his eyes and said "he would find other ways to end his life, people like icarus are self destructive it's only a matter of time before they turn on the people trying to help them." My heart squeezed, it felt like he was throwing a jab at me, but then again he might. Ivan was extremely blunt but it didn't stop his words from hurting.
"How are you sure deadlus wouldn't be able to save him." This time it was the professor who asked.
He opened his eyes and looked at me directly " simple, some people are beyond saving.".

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