The Scars That Remind Us

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Draco raced up to the 5th floor, he lost track of time with homework and studying, 30 minutes late. He changed into his dark green swim trunks and a black V-neck T-shirt under his robes. Harry had gotten to the Prefects Bathroom a while ago, wanting time to himself.

Draco unlocked the door. "Alohomora." He whispered, slipping in.

The bathroom was pristine clean, dimly lit. The smell of birch and sandalwood filled the air.

Draco followed the smell to see Harry sitting on the edge of the bath. "Potter?"

Harry turned around, a soft smile on his face. "I knew you'd be late."

"I lost track of time..." Draco admitted, taking his robes off. "It's hot in here!" He took his shoes and socks off, discarding his wet robes off to the side.

Harry pointed to the faucets going off as the bubbles started to fluff up. "Started the bath so it's hot."

Draco cautiously sat down next to Harry a few feet away. "So what did you want to talk to me about?" He asked, dipping his legs up to his knees in the water.

"Lots of stuff...things we should have talked about a long time ago...some recent things too." Harry started.

Draco sighed, pretty sure he knew a few of the things that would be mentioned. "Look Potter..."

"Let me go first." Harry interupted. "There's so many things I've wanted to say to you all these years...its been 7 1/2 years..."

Draco knew what was coming...but he still wasn't ready for it.

"You've called my friends horrible names, you've been on the wrong side the whole broke my nose and you tortured me verbally for years..." Harry kept calm despite the subject. "And you almost killed Dumbledore...which I know you didn't but...even after all that I'm asking for us to be friends."

Draco for some reason felt a horrible sting at that word. Friends huh? Why does that bother me so much? "Why?"

"Because you're not a bad've just done some bad things." Harry suggested, looking at the bandage on Draco's arm. "Take that off."

"What??? Why???" Draco clutched his hand over the bandage.

"Because I've been looking at it for 2 days and I want to see." Harry's voice became a little more stern.

Draco scoffed. "No! Just because your saint Harry Potter doesn't mean I do as you ask." He snapped.

Harry saw that he hit a large nerve. "What's under the bandage Malfoy?" He asked, inching closer.

Draco shook his head. "Stay away Potter!"

"Colloportus!" Harry spelled the doors and windows locked, inching closer again.

"I mean it!!! It's none of your damn buisness!!!" Draco yelled, putting his arm behind his back.

Harry's knee knocked Draco's. "Show me or I make you." He glared.

"You couldn't possibly!" Draco snarled.

"Try me." Harry moved till he was almost thigh to thigh. ""

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