Broken Heart

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The next two days Harry took advantage of the personal key to Remus's rooms, hiding all Sunday and Monday after classes. Harry wasn't sleeping or eating, Remus knew he'd have to talk to Severus about where Draco escaped off to.

Remus finished dinner early, scarfing down his food. He had pleaded with Harry to come eat, but it was no use. He quickly walked out of the Great Hall, disappearing into the Dungeons.

Severus was using his magic to clean up his kitchen, sighing irritatingly at the lack of strength in his magic, a plate dropping on the floor. "Damn!"

A knock interupted Severus's scowling.

Remus raised a brow at Severus as the door opened. "Am I interrupting something???"

Severus forced himself to be calm. "Not exactly...come in."

Remus walked in, taking a second to look at things. "Severus it's a bit...messy in here." He deflected. "Anyways, I have a question for you, but I'm not sure you know the answer." He sat on the couch, moving some clothes out of the way.

Severus pulled up one of the kitchen table chairs, sitting infront of Remus. "And just why are you day?" He asked dryly.

Remus rolled his eyes at his friends dull voice. "Honestly Severus have you tried being more friendly?" He asked rhetorically. "I'm here because I've had Harry Potter on my couch for two days crying. He won't sleep or eat...know anything about that?"

Severus looked off to the side for a moment, looking back at Remus. "I havent heard from Mr. several days besides when he's in my class..."

Remus glared, knowing that was a lie. He looked around the room, gathering his attention to the clothes on the couch. "Severus..." he picked up a green Slytherin logo T-shirt. "Last I checked you didn't wear teenage clothing..." he stood up, walking around checking things.

"Just what do you think you're doing Remus?" Severus sneered, following him.

Remus noticed a white plate with a half eaten waffle, walking quickly over to the bedroom.

"Remus!" Severus hissed, trying to grab him.

Remus stood firm when he saw inside the bedroom. "Well so this is where you've been!"

Draco was sitting on Severus's bed, his eyes wide. "I can explain!" He held his hands up.

"I really hope so!" Remus walked over, crossing his arms infront of Draco.

"Remus you really shouldn't-" severus tried to say.

"No Severus you lied to me." Remus growled, looking back to Draco. "And just what do you think you're doing hiding like a child in your Godfathers room like this???? You broke Harry's heart and then you just left!"

"What am I suppose to do?! I can't go back home! There's death Eaters in my house again!" Draco dramatically curled his lip in disgust. "I tried to go back home but when I did I found the house swarming with Wizard's I didn't know and my Father was in the living room with Greyback!!!"

Remus's face dropped. "Did anyone see you?! Did you talk to anyone?!" He yelled, looking back at Severus with anger.

"No! I got out before I was seen, I wanted answers! My Father spoke to me that day he took me, wanted me to join his group." Draco started to cry again, covering his face.

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