Dont Forget Me

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Harry went to his classes after the heartbreaking morning of Draco waking up not remembering their relationship or anything intimate they had shared, barely paying any attention while he suffered through each lecture. The second classes were over he raced to his room to change, making his way back to St. Mungo's.

Harry finally arrived back on the 2nd floor of the hospital, sprinting down the hall back to Draco's room.

Draco had finished his early dinner, showering so he could get out of the ugly white gown they stuck him in that smelled of medicine.

He found a solid blue silk T-shirt and a pair of dark blue silk pajama pants with matching light blue briefs that were thin and cool in a bag that was delivered to him to use when he woke up.

He changed into them, relieved to be in comfy clothes. He looked around at the room, glaring at the medical posters. He didn't want to be here, he was so confused. Harry freaking Potter...his boyfriend? How is that possible? He hates me, this isn't real!

Draco climbed back into his hospital bed, hiding fully under all the covers.

Harry came in moments later, quietly inching closer to the Draco shaped ball under the multiple blankets. "Draco? Are you alright?"

Draco was startled slightly, looking in the direction of the voice. "Potter." He greeted stiffly, his heart booming as he heard footsteps coming closer.

Harry moved the big upholstered chair right up against the bed, taking down the guard rails. "Draco we need to talk." He sat down, placing his hand over Draco's back over the covers.

Draco flinched harshly, trying his best to ignore the hand, his low voice.

"Draco!" Harry sternly called him, moving his hand in a light rubbing motion.

Draco sat up fast, glaring fiercely at Harry. "Don't touch me!" He growled, covering himself up to his chest with the covers.

"Draco please..."

"Don't call me that!" Draco growled defensively, feeling very affronted.

Harry sighed in saddened frustration, but he couldn't stay angry when he looked at Draco. "Please Draco...I miss you."

Draco blinked rapidly at the look on Harry's face. "Why would you miss me? You hate me!" He turned himself around, lying down on his side with his back turned to him.

Harry quickly climbed into the space that Draco left, wrapping both his hands around his chest and stomach.

"Potter no!!!" Draco snapped, wriggling and fighting to get out of Harry's grasp.

"Stay still!" Harry snapped back, squeezing tightly. He held on until the struggling stopped. He took his wand out of his sweatpants, raising it behind him at the door. "Colloportus!" He said firmly, locking the door. He followed it up with a silencing charm, putting up a few wards for safety.

Draco was huffing and puffing out of breath, realizing his strength was very weak. He stopped finally, trying to calm his breathing.

"That's better." Harry whispered, softly bringing his hands to Draco's chest. "I've missed you...touching you."

Draco got a flash of their kiss earlier that morning replaying in his mind, gasping loudly at Harry's hands squeezing his chest. "Stop! I don't like that!"

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